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If you have made the decision to use a tablet or an iPad for school, congratulations! I have found it to be so helpful, both in terms of freeing up some space in my backpack as well as keeping everything organized and in one place. One frequent question I get from my Tumblr followers is what are the top apps you can use for school?
Here is a quick list of productivity, note-taking, document reading, to-do list and some fun apps that can be integrated into your school life.
1. To be Productive
When studying, you may neeв some management help to manae your time amd assignment and the Pomodoro Timer can help you organize your schedule. The Pomodoro Rule allows you to work for 45 minutes and rest for 15. Studying in smaller chunks like these helps you keep your best focus and re-energize when the concentration goes down.If you are not a fan of set schedules, but would like to keep a clean and organized to-do list for all your activities, I’d recommend the GoodTask app
Read: https://studydaddy.com/attachment/130883/unit+14+Realism.docx
2. To Be Organized
To those who enjoy keeping a calendar online, Sunrise Calendar is a beautiful app. Similar to iCal, it includes Google calendar, Exchange and iCloud support, and is available on laptops, iPhones and iPads. It is also offered on Android!StudyCal is also a great option for students who like to keep their daily tasks, class schedules, assignments and even grades all in one place.
3. To Take Notes
I take notes using GoodNotes app (Here is a screenshot). It is very simple and easy to use, doesn’t lag, and has handwriting recognition in case you need to do a search of you notes. Also includes PDF annotations as well as allows you to take photos and insert them right into your notes.Another option is Notability– an app that offers a voice recording device and allows you to listen to the recording and see how you wrote your notes during lecture. Super cool!Evernote and OneNote are also great apps for taking notes in class, but mostly if you prefer to type them.
More: https://studydaddy.com/question/a-farmer-estimates-that-he-has-9-000-bees-producing-honey-on-his-farm-the-farmer
4. To Study
One of the greatest ways to study vocabulary or any other kinds of key terms is with using some flashcards.StudyBlue, Quizlet and Flashcards Deluxe are great.5. To Keep your Files
Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneDrive, etc. These can be found in the App Store for free! Good to have just in case.The app students use is Documents Free. It’s simple and saves everything. Helps with files like class syllabus that I randomly decide to check in the middle of the year.
6. Other Helpful Apps
Kindle or iBooksMyScript Calculator – recognizes your handwritten equations and solves them.PhotoMath– take a picture of your equation and the app will solve it for you step-by-step.
More resources:
Some University of Washington Application Tips for You
Psychology Term Paper Writing Guide
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