Design Addict


Widdicomb Modern Or...

Widdicomb Modern Originals Collection  


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22/06/2021 5:02 am  

I picked up one of these desks recently and have been trying to determine if T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings may have designed it.  He apparently worked with Widdicomb from 1943 to 56, and this line came out in the late 40's, so the timing is right.  But a brochure for the collection from 1949 (excerpt in 2nd photo) makes no mention of him.  If such a prominent designer had been involved, you'd assume the marketing dept. would make sure it was highlighted.  So my conclusion was he was not associated with this line. 

But then I came across the desk pictured here, listed by an auction company with a picture of a tag they said was in the top drawer, naming Robsjohn-Gibbings as the designer.  The tag in my desk is the one below it that just says "Modern Original".  Is their tag a fake? There was a member here years ago named azurechicken who seemed confident Robsjohn-Gibbings had nothing to do with Modern Originals.  I tend to agree but looking for confirmation.   

This topic was modified 4 years ago by mark737

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22/06/2021 12:35 pm  

Apparently this is just a copy.

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02/08/2022 4:53 am  

This Ad from the August 1948 Cincinnati Enquirer seems to tie Gibbings to the "Modern Orginals"

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05/08/2022 5:02 pm  

@mainstreetmerc  Your photo is not displaying.  It needs to be under 2mb for it to upload. Or if you have a link to the ad, you can post that.  


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