Design Addict


what venue what pri...

what venue what price?  


Maryanne Scott
Eminent Member
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Posts: 37
02/09/2007 7:00 am  

About a year ago I inquired on this forum about some dining chairs I have.I had photos ,and asked the question Parisi or Ulrich.Anyways; at that time I didn't obtain a response ,but finally I have confirmed they are Guglielmo Ulrich.Moreover: I am now considering selling the eight ,and would like to know in your opinion what the best venue to sell them would be.Also; what would a decent price be for a set of chairs like this. I don't want to place photos of the again on the web ,and dirty the product.I am including a photo from a book with the style chair in it.It is chair like the one in the bottom left picture ,and the chair on the right side of the picture facing forward.The two chairs in the photo are different from each other hence mine are like the one facing forward on the right.

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02/09/2007 9:13 am  


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02/09/2007 11:06 pm  

Don't listen to Maryannescott
Don't listen to this twit Maryannescott.
Ebay is not the Venue For a rarity such as these chairs.To reach the type of people interested in neoclassical Designs such as this you will need to sell them via auction house.Which one I am not sure of ,but something with an international audience.Eight chairs by Ulrich with a Proven provenance easily $2000 per chair ,so do the math $16,000.I think that would be a fair estimate in an ideal selling situation.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2967
02/09/2007 11:18 pm  

those are great chairs they should be at Chirsty's or Southerby yea ebay buyers are cheap buyers,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
02/09/2007 11:50 pm  

You could give Philips de...
You could give Philips de Pury a call (New York). They are an auction house that has been around a long time, plus they deal with more than just modern (although that is a nice slice of the pie). Wright Auctions is always good too. I would send photos to them and ask. See what amount each auction wants to take (percentage). I sold my original Marshmallow sofa with de Pury. They did not take a percentage bc of the rarity. They wanted it in the show really bad.
In addition, beware of them at the same time. The first time around they set the reserve at a price that was not realistic, so I had to hold on to the sofa for another year before it could go back to auction. Seriously, put the reserve at what you would really be willing to take at the lowest. Don't be too greedy. At least you would know they WILL sell ... and if someone wants them bad enough, you will be pleasantly surprised (rather than disappointed with a "no sale")


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