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what shall we do wi...

what shall we do with a cooling tower?  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
21/08/2011 4:21 am  

Hopefully tyhere will be more and moe of these things abandoned..the embodied enrgy of their construction must be monsterous so it would be a shame to demolish them, just the energy required to do that would be huge so suggestions for repurposing them?

Often the bases look open and have a nice sort of fretwork look to them.

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2011 4:34 am  


Illustrious Member
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21/08/2011 4:38 am  

I was thinking some sort of farming enterprise, food drying? Mushrooms? LOTS of dried mushrooms?

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2011 5:53 am  

Assuming they
are free of contamination, why not consider occupying them for any of a number of human needs ? I can see perforating them (as required for passage) and building living levels both inside the drum and out, making apartments that share a dramatic interior court and the limitless exterior exposure . . .
Of course, the best use of any structure is that for which it was designed. Many argue that safe and well-controlled nuclear energy is one of the logical ingredients of the near-future requirement. Before we run in horror from an atmospherically-clean and efficient energy source, we should assure ourselves that, post-Japan, we aren't throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The French (for instance) seem to have their nuclear act down, having avoided the senseless wrangling and NIMBY behavior which has characterized (for example) the American experience . . .

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2011 7:56 am  

be careful
Best be careful with your jokes about a penitentiary. People from that area tend to be rather touchy.
I agree that it not the machine, but rather the people who construct and run the machines that are to blame for any minor mishaps.
You seem to be correct that the basic design of this facility (taking into account no residual radiation danger) would be an ideal place to grow mushrooms. I believe white asparagus is another product suited to this dark environment.

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2011 8:08 am  

oh give it a rest will you? The attempts at stirring up trouble are really unpleasant.

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2011 5:52 pm  

selective reading
I agreed with you that the unit would be good for cultivation of certain plants, I agreed with SDR that nuclear energy can be safe, and I suggested that Riki not make jokes about prisons. Thsee are three positive statements. A person who looks for the negative in all situations will always be very good at finding them.

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2011 11:44 pm  

No niceguy it is not selective reading, you're being spiteful and provocative (editing comments doesn't take them away) about history and politics where it has no place, we're here to talk about design not whatever issues you have with other peoples nationhood.
Patrick and Alix could you please ask this contributor to leave Australian (or any other nations) history out of his posts?

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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21/08/2011 11:45 pm  

Quite a monstorous thing! ...
Quite a monstorous thing! Never realized just how large they are. A health club seems a good and slightly ironic choice. Indoor/outdoor rock climbing/stair climbing then rappelling back down. Enough space and heights for various courts.

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2011 11:53 pm  

yeah they are huge!
There seem to be so many uses for them but they were only ever designed to support their own weight and take windloads so who knows? Climbing sounds fun though. I imagine too that most of them aren't in especially desirable parts of cities, unless it was done right you'd just end up with a vertical slum.
Base jumping? The updraft would slow you down a bit.

Illustrious Member
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22/08/2011 12:03 am  

to man's hubris.

Illustrious Member
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22/08/2011 12:35 am  

yes selective reading
I was suggesting that Riki be careful in her postings as you seem to be oh so touchy. I was not trying to be provacative, that is your selective reading in ignoring anything positive and concentrating on what you deem to be wrong.
I also noticed that you always cry in public rather than using the contact section at the bottom of the page. I deleted the sentence in question myself so that you may now take off your "hair shirt".
Since you suggested base jumping, may I suggest you go first.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
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22/08/2011 12:36 am  

A step along the path
of mankind's effort to provide for itself. Electric current has long been established as a man-made necessity, derived from a natural phenomenon but radically altered to make it useful. Cold fusion awaits development as the next logical source of power while the fuel cell is already in use as an alternative to the primitive carbon-fueled boiler. All of man's efforts at taming the wild could well be labeled hubris. It will be a great day when those efforts take into account the right of all life forms to coexist in harmony.

shipwright (UK)
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22/08/2011 4:16 am  

sheffield campaign
sadly for Sheffield this campaign was not successful.

Illustrious Member
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22/08/2011 6:01 am  

some succes is better than none at all
Thank you for the posting that contained more than idle speculation about these structures. While they were demomlished it is success in my mind that: "E.ON has said it wants to support the development of a new regional artwork and has given Sheffield City Council £500,000 towards the cost". That is a substantial amount of money that may be used to help many artist. Thank you again for the link.

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