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what lampshade am i...

what lampshade am i thinking of?  

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Lit Up
Illustrious Member
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02/03/2012 9:53 pm  

is mark st nicholas without...
is mark st nicholas without the beard?

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02/03/2012 11:26 pm  

"I'm not against high end or high prices, I'm against overpriced objects made out of fragile materials." -Lit Up
Your repeated reference to "fragile materials" is just plain dumb, Lit Up-- "fragile" ain't synonymous with "poorly made".
Should objects be priced in accordance with their ability to withstand being kicked like a football? By that logic, a plastic bucket should command a higher price than an expertly hand-blown glass vase.
The Nelson lamp is exactly as "fragile" as it needs to be-- no more, no less. Only a palooka would expect otherwise.

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2012 12:02 am  

Thanks. Wish I had spelled that point out in my post.
"Palooka" (snicker)

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2012 1:12 am  

I had to Google that.
I love slang and colloquialisms. We have some great slang words here, like: numpty, barmpot, gormless and wazzock.

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 531
03/03/2012 1:34 am  

Your point about fragility would be valid if this was seriously hard to make. You've conveniently not mentioned my scepticism about the manufacturing process commanding such a high price. Modernica have a factory and churn these out. If you want to pay loads for something simple and fragile, then you do that.

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2012 2:02 am  

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2012 2:38 am  

I suppose
i am to be convinced by your stubborn insistence, that you are intimately familiar with Modernica's costs of doing business. You must be quite the insider to know the costs of production, plant operation and maintainence, salaries, taxes, shipping, business insurance, bookeeping, and other costs i may have not thought of. You are either flat out guessing on what these cost to make, or a disgruntled former bookeeper of Modernica's. I am and have been a maker of a wide and unusual range of things, and I have no basis to guess what these cost to produce.
H Moon, you made this especially difficult to write through tears of laughter.

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03/03/2012 2:40 am  

Look, Lit Up--
There are a LOT more people who would like to own Nelson lamps than can own Nelson lamps (I myself have a flawed secondhander... such is my place on the food chain).
Why wouldn't Modernica sell them for less if they could sell them for less? $270 isn't a king's ransom, for a handmade lamp.
If price is more important to you than the little details, then get a Chinese paper lantern. If details are more important to you than price, then either save for a new Nelson or scavenge for a used Nelson.
Getting the little details right is all the difference between low-cost goods and high-cost goods. If you can find a way around this stubborn technicality, I suggest you go into the lamp business.

Lit Up
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03/03/2012 2:53 am  

dunno where you get $270...
dunno where you get $270 from. As you've seen from my previous posts the starting price in the UK is £350, going to over a grand.
You're right glassartist I don't have evidential proof, but then again, neither do you. I'm just pretty sure it's a highly elevated price. When I put my questions to one of modernica's UK resellers he said that he didn't know the justification for the high price either, and often asked the same questions too; that the price went up a lot in recent years which is "frustrating for everybody", apart from a few folk on this forum.
Think I'll use eBay and buy vintage.

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03/03/2012 3:11 am  

"I'm just pretty sure it's a highly elevated price."
(... based SOLELY on the fact that it's a price higher than I'd like to pay.)
If I've misstated your reasoning, please elaborate on the methodology used in coming to your stated conclusion.
An "elevated" price is not necessarily an arbitrarily-inflated price.

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2012 3:18 am  

You don't
get to lump me in there with you. You claimed unreasonable price. If I differed, it was on an expanded view of what constitutes value to me. Please refer to the compact disc analogy.

Famed Member
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03/03/2012 3:51 am  

This is like trying to explain the price of a Baccarat bowl,
and the person you're explaining it to counters with "glass is only made from sand, and sand is cheap!"
They get angry because they can afford SOME things made from glass, but they can't afford ALL things made from glass.
They never quite grasp that the qualities that attract them to the expensive glass (as opposed to the cheaper glass) are the very factors that contribute to making it far more expensive.
Instead, they blame an elitist conspiracy.

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2012 4:06 am  

Why thank you tktoo!
And I love your idea of a couple of vintage von Nessen lamps..especially in the brushed bronze finish. I will start sniffing around for a pair immediately. And the wall sconces in my Florida den are older George Kovac's.
All the best,
ps, Lit Up, But I'm not a saint yet. I'm an alcoholic.

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2012 6:45 am  

Surprised no one has mentioned the mundane details, perhaps they are just too obvious but Litup may not realise that he is potentially paying for transport, employees wages, insurance, factory lease/purchase, tooling, 2 and perhaps 3 profit margins, a royalty if an object is produced under licence, advertising, web design and its possible that the higher price Modernica can get for these fittings supplements another part of their business that doesn't do so well.
Lets say the spun or pressed metal parts can't be done in house and have to be purchased from another manufacturer, things like that are cheap when you buy them in multiples of say 1000 but the price soars for smaller runs.
So really who knows? And to be blunt, stop whining, good stuff costs money and always will, wev'e all been used to far too many products being cheaper than they should be for a long time.

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2012 6:58 am  

Supply and demand
Have you heard of it?

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