Design Addict


what lampshade am i...

what lampshade am i thinking of?  

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Illustrious Member
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01/03/2012 1:32 am  

Don't flatter yourself, tuppence
I have better things to do than stalking someone on a forum.
I just like to return the hostility that you showed me, for no apparent reason.
My round, drinks are on me........Who's drinking what? Mark, Champagne? Robert, G&T? Arthur, you strike me as a bitter man?

Robert Leach
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01/03/2012 1:38 am  


Illustrious Member
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01/03/2012 2:45 am  


Lit Up
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01/03/2012 4:41 am  

If genuinely rich people...
If genuinely rich people want to get uppity about people not wanting to buy a branded vinyl lampshade (even if it does look good) for 350-1500 then that's one thing. But when people who can't afford it themselves or wouldn't make such an unwise 'investment' praise the high price, you have to wonder.
"Good for them" [for overpricing stuff]
A rich man doesn't need to be seen praising high prices in this manner and would not make such a comment. The only people who feel the need to are the Hyacinth Buckets and Stanleys of this world.
"Scuse me sport, I'm sorry for interrupting but, I couldn't help but notice that I 'appen to be considerably richer than yao"

Illustrious Member
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01/03/2012 5:12 am  

just for you
Lit Up,
I like you because you are so very easy to provoke. Here is a photo just for you.

Robert Leach
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01/03/2012 10:36 am  

Lit Up
I pity you in your personal Utopia without luxury.
No couture, no luxury motor cars, the death of the craftsman, and ultimately the death of design.
It is foolhardy not to realise it is the luxury end of any design discipline that drives design forward.
Without 'high-end' all we have is 'low-end'
'Good for them' for putting obviously high levels of research, development and design into an object that cannot be cheaply copied for the mass market. For a design that remains exclusive, at the high-end of design, and has become an icon.
'Let them eat cake, and buy IKEA lampshades'
to paraphrase Marie Antoinette.

Illustrious Member
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01/03/2012 11:09 am  

Thankyou Robert, you're an asset to DA.

Lit Up
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01/03/2012 12:27 pm  

Robert you're being incredibl...
Robert you're being incredibly slow today... so let me reiterate my point again:
I'm not against high end or high prices, I'm against overpriced objects made out of fragile materials.
I don't mind investing hundreds in luxury items made of glass, wood, metal and bronze, I just don't think it's a wise investment to put loads of money into a sprayed-on vinyl lampshade, even if it looks good.
If you do, more fool you... but as I said before, I don't think you're stupid enough... well, maybe you are, but in any case you don't have the cash to be so stupid...
"'Good for them' for putting obviously high levels of research, development and design into an object that cannot be cheaply copied for the mass market. For a design that remains exclusive, at the high-end of design, and has become an icon."
There are many fragile objects which have had lots of R&D and are iconic, but whose price reflects the materials. How much R&D did Edison put into the lightbulb? I can still buy one for 50p. Not sure what R&D you think Modernica are putting into their lampshades to justify that kind of price... they have a factory, they knock them out.
The nelson lampshade is relatively inexpensive to manufacture and it is only the propagation of the "high end" myth that keeps the price of this particular object high.
It seems you like propagating myth though... nothing you've said or done indicates wealth, on the contrary it merely indicates an aspirational snobbery. I don't mind snobbery from people who are actually rich, but snobbery from those who aren't... well, I refer you back to Stanley and Hyacinth.

Robert Leach
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01/03/2012 1:01 pm  

Lit Up
I have earned enough this week to buy approximately 10 Nelson bubble lamps.
Not that it's any of your business.
Design IS elistist.
so, like it or not, snobbery goes with territory.

Lit Up
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01/03/2012 1:59 pm  

Well, even if you're rich,...
Well, even if you're rich, you're obviously 'nouveau riche'... the old moneyed don't mention figures in public, they don't need to!
Design might be expensive, but it doesn't have to be snobby... the same way it doesn't have to be racist (there is a fine line between the two). Does being snobby make yourself feel a little better than others? Well, as Heath said, what an asset to D.A... you probably read the Mail and love the Royal Family just because they represent more money than you have, and the 'high end' of society! A little Englander... definitely a Hyacinth!

Illustrious Member
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01/03/2012 2:25 pm  

I think
this thread is spiralling out of control.

Robert Leach
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01/03/2012 3:21 pm  

Lit Up
I told you my income to stop you rather weird speculation as to my financial standing.
(I am neither 'old money' nor nouveau riche and wouldn't touch the Daily Mail)
I truly believe that design IS elitist and aspirational at the top end, and it is that top end that drives the rest forward.
I've talked here about Design in general, it seems to be your choice to make the argument personal.
Because I say that design is elitist and there is therefore associated snobbery it does not mean I am elitist or a snob.
Racist design? you're being even sillier than usual.

Illustrious Member
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01/03/2012 4:46 pm  

flawed thinking
Lit Up is a moron. The majority of Lit Up's post regard someone having what he does not have and his problem with the facts (light bulbs were very expensive when they were first introduced).
An example of your thinking would be the One Off Big Easy chair versus the Moroso Big Easy chair by Ron Arad. The One Off is out of most peoples reach and the Moroso is just shy of $2000.00.

Lit Up
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01/03/2012 4:52 pm  

Robert -
an object is just an object. it's the attitude you bring to others when you discuss objects which is either elitist, snobby or racist, not the object in itself. so no, I was not talking about snobby or racist design - I am talking about a snobby attitude - your own. you seem to think that discourse around design must be snobby and elitist - I totally disagree. it does not have to be, only you and some others make it so.
and yeah the lightbulb might have been very expensive when it was first introduced in the 19th century... but when was the nelson bubble lamp first introduced - last year? how much R&D are they investing in the bubble lamp today which justifies the price?

Robert Leach
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01/03/2012 5:06 pm  

changing tack completely again.
You've gone, in this thread, from coveting a light to despising it.
You said 'you seem to think that discourse around design must be snobby and elitist'
No, I don't, you have invented that.
And in answer to your 'an object is just an object, it's the attitude you bring to others when you discuss objects which is either elitist, snobby or racist, not the object in itself'
Of course a singular design object can be elitist, it can be something aspirational, or invoke snobbery.
Saying this does not make me a snob, I'm merely commenting on the world of design as I see it.

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