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Wegner King Bed Mea...

Wegner King Bed Measurements Wanted To Assist With My Restoration  


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16/09/2018 3:50 am  

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16/09/2018 6:30 am  

I'm assuming you're talking about the classic Getama one. I no longer have mine (divorce) so I can't get you the measurements but the frame itself wasn't made of 2 center rails, it was made up of two smaller rectangular bed frames that were pegged together and then fastened by metal plates and the center legs on the underside. The headboard and the footboard/foot rail merely capped it off on each end.

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17/09/2018 6:19 am  

Thank you very much for your response. Sorry to hear about your divorce.

That is the exact bed.

I should clarify that when I say "rails" I mean to describe the grey pieces that make the frame, as opposed to the teak strips that are used on the outside. As you described, and as indicated in the picture you posted, these grey pieces form two rectangular frames. I'm judging only from photos because I've never seen a complete king bed in person, but it appears the two grey pieces that go on the outside left and right sides of the bed are slightly wider than the two that are on the inside and paired together. If my observation is correct, I'm presuming that if I can get the width of the inside ones, then I can use the two outside ones that I presently have as templates, but just make the inside ones slightly less wide.

I will keep looking online for king beds that are for sale and hopefully one of the sellers will be kind enough to let me know the measurement. I'd also love to get a photo of the legs that hold the center of the bed up, as I have no idea how they affix to the frame, though your description is how I assumed they connect.

Tangential to that, is there a source for the L brackets? Are there any shops either in the U.S. or Europe that sell used or replacement hardware for these beds?

Again, my thanks for your time and consideration.



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17/09/2018 6:28 am  

Quick follow up. I just found a photo of the center leg, so I've got a little bit better sense for how that connects.


Illustrious Member
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17/09/2018 4:58 pm  

Did you see this? It's for two twin beds but includes a cutaway assembly diagram that might help.

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17/09/2018 5:05 pm  

Thank you for sharing that. Another important clue. Half the fun of this project is piecing the info together and sourcing the parts. Much appreciated.


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22/10/2018 8:35 pm  

Just came across this bed for sale. It offers some excellent reference images. I contacted the seller, but unfortunately, the bed is in storage, so he was unable to provide the measurements I'm looking for.

I hope to get started on this project in November or December and will try to post photos of my progress as things advance.


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06/11/2018 3:53 am  

Well, I'm making some progress. After years of only looking at photos of frames, I finally have some parts. I bought a really beat up twin and am planning on using the side rails from that bed as the outside rails on my king, on the assumption they are the same size. (I found a beautiful king for sale in Florida and have reached out to the seller asking if he'd share some measurements with me. I wish I lived closer so I could go and document everything with a camera.)

When I align the outside rails with the original holes in my headboard, it appears that the two center rails on a king are actually the same as the outside rails, minus the strip of teak that each of the outside rails has. If the vendor in Florida can confirm that from his bed, then I will use one of the rails I have as a template to make new ones for the center span.

The legs that came with the twin, along with the hardware to mount them to the frame and the brass hardware that mounts the side tables to the headboard will also serve as templates and I'll be able to replicate those. (Interesting note on the hardware that the legs screw into. The thread on the hanger bolt is standard as opposed to metric. I double-checked the pitch with a thread gauge to be sure, as certain metric and standard threads can be very close, but the thread was indeed standard.)

I asked the vendor in Florida if he could also send me the dimensions of the metal "L" brackets so I can fabricate those. I'd still love to get my hands on an original one, so if anyone knows of one kicking around, feel free to let me know.

The only info I'm still working on tracking down is the dimensions of the slats. The twin I bought came with a metal spring assembly and the king in Florida also has those. Does anyone know if the springs were sold at the same time the slats were or did the springs predate the slats, with the latter being used as a means of reducing production costs and/or providing more support than the former offered?

I'll post more updates as I make some additional progress, though I suspect the going will still be slow for a while because I have some other (non-MCM-related) projects in the queue ahead of this bed.


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08/11/2018 4:49 am  

Hi John,

I have the same king size bed, but with footboard and springs. At the moment it is disassembled and stored away, I'm planning on putting it back together in the next couple weeks and taking some pictures. Let me know what measurements you might need!



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08/11/2018 5:41 am  

Hi Valentina,

Thanks for your note. That would be awesome.

Ideally, I would like the following measurements:

1) The thickness of the L bracket that secures the headboard to the frame. From photos, I'm guessing it's about 3/4" to 1" square or the metric equivalent of those dimensions.

2) The length of the L bracket arms as measured on the inside. This is a bit tough to explain, but what I mean is if you laid one on its side and then measured from the inner corner to the end of each length. From photos I've seen, the part that attaches to the headboard seems to be longer than the part that attaches to the gray frame rail. I'm guessing the former is about 8" long and the latter is about 6" long.

3) The distance between the outside rail and the center rail. In the photo above, I set two outside rails on the floor with one of the cross rails between them to illustrate the measurement I'm seeking.

4) The width of the outside and center rails. From photos, it looks like the outside rails are slightly wider than the center rails, but that could just be distortion from the angle of the camera. I've put a photo above to illustrate the measurement I'm seeking.

5) The width of the spring frame as measured from side to side in the attached image. I'm curious as to whether the king was wider than the twin or the same size. The one I have is from a twin.

6) If possible, could you post an image of how the center legs mount to the center rails? Specifically, I'd like to see a shot of the metal base that the leg screws into without the leg in position. From what I've seen in other photos, it appears the round metal base that the leg screws into actually straddles the joint where the two center rails come together, but I can't be sure because all the images I've seen have the leg in place so I can't see how the screws are positioned that hold the base plate in place.

Again, my thanks for your offer to assist. Just out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to be located in the greater Washington, DC, area, would you? If you are, I'd be thrilled to actually see the pieces in person.



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10/12/2018 1:16 am  

Hi Valentina,

Just wanted to see if you had the chance to measure your bed?



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20/12/2018 8:52 pm  

HI John,

Sorry for the delay! Here are the answers to your questions:

1)The thickness of the bracket is 3/4

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20/12/2018 9:02 pm  

Hi Valentina,

This is tremendous. Thank you so much. I will compare your measurements to my parts tonight and that should give me the info I need to begin fabricating the replacement parts. If I run into any additional questions, I'll post them.

Additionally, I appreciate your offer to show me the piece in person and will keep that in mind if I'm ever up in the city.


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07/02/2019 4:16 am  

Hi Valentina, @tiskarna

If you're following this thread, I have a few more questions now that I'm beginning work on this project.

1) What is the position of the metal disks that the legs screw into on the center rails? Is the disk equally straddling the dividing line between the two rails or is it located more toward one side than the other? If the latter, would you mind posting an image of it, along with a measuring tape so I can see where I should position mine?

2) The "L" bracket that you provided dimensions of, was that from the headboard or the footboard? Also are the headboard and footboard "L" brackets the same size or are they different? (My bed is the version that has only the headboard.)

3) On the "L" bracket for the headboard, could you indicate where the screw that goes into the headboard is located on the bracket?

As always, my thanks for your time and assistance. If you want to email me, my address is: zeemail AT aol DoT com. 




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