Design Addict


A very leggy chair....

A very leggy chair...  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
17/04/2006 6:13 am  

A few weeks back I jokingly suggested that the Cindy Crawford furniture line should have a chair designed to look like Cindy Crawford. The link below is part of what I had in mind. Question: why do you suppose the designer stopped short of doing the whole chair as a human figure? Taste apparently did not enter into it, as this design is not wreaking with taste anyway. What did determine why the designer stopped with the arms and legs?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
17/04/2006 6:47 am  

my guess...
Could it be that the designer wants to express that he/she has no high regards for the larger half of the human population? The "holstein" pattern could be another indication...anyway, giving the chair a head and an inevitable "personality" might be too respectfull from this designer's point of view...I really don't know. I have seen similar things in the past but I would not be able to identify it so the designer's intentiona are a guess. He or she certainly reduces the female body to an object, which to me, is already a big step in the wrong direction...


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