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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 745
16/02/2019 5:42 pm  

Thank you, Julie!

That's all encouraging news and I wish you luck with updating the site. Would it be possible to view forum member's attached photos in a larger format or enable viewing them in a separate tab and enlarge them somehow?

Eminent Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 25
18/02/2019 6:24 am  

Why is the forum so difficult to navigate ?   

Cant seem to message other members and searching is difficult ?

Any chance the old forum is still available ??? in a read only capacity ?

Illustrious Member Moderator
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 1256
27/02/2019 11:04 pm  

Am I just impatient or is this place dying? I guess it would make me feel better if some of the usual suspects showed up. Leif? Ernest? Mark? Cdsilva? Anyone out there? 

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
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28/02/2019 5:11 pm  

Yes.  "Old Timers" thread gone;  my user name and password not recognized.  New password required to return.  

Art is long, life is short ?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 745
28/02/2019 6:09 pm  

They say patience is a virtue. If so, any virtues I have left have been tested on a daily basis lately. I suppose I could get used to having a nail driven up my nose, too, but do I want to? Walking away whilst shaking my head has almost become de rigueur.

Trying my best here, folks. Really. But some things simply cannot be done alone.

The old place was kinda great for awhile there, though, ya?

Ernest Rams
Famed Member
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Posts: 384
01/03/2019 8:40 pm  

Hi Herringbone,

thank you for mentioning me, but can't be put among those that certainly made this forum what it was (or still is?).


Illustrious Member Moderator
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 1256
01/03/2019 11:18 pm  

Haha, maybe not, but your questions have been a reliable constant over the last couple of months (years?). Just as Leif's answers. 

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 539
03/03/2019 11:57 pm  

This forum is just so hard to navigate now and not much fun. I used to check in daily, whereas now I often don’t bother. Is it never going to reach its former glory again? Have a lot of old timers left? 

Illustrious Member Moderator
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 1256
05/03/2019 3:24 pm  

I don't know. I don't find it particularly hard to navigate (at least not from a desk top computer) and I appreciate that the team is trying to improve things. But I still have to get used to the new user interface. I guess, that is always the thing with relaunches, but this place used to feel like home, and it doesn't anymore. The break was a bit hard. And of course, there are still issues (technical?) that should have been solved weeks ago, probably before shutting down the old forum. Many of the threads from the last couple of month are still missing, probably many of the old ones, too.  The old timers thread is also gone which obviously bummed many of the old timers out. I still check in daily, but this place seems emptied out now. This is my main concern: The forum can't reach its former glory again without the regular users.   

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
05/03/2019 9:12 pm  

I've had email conversations with the site owners since the rollout of the new site and was told that threads that are currently missing will be restored, but that was weeks ago.  I'm sad that the Old Timers thread is gone because it was a treasure trove of Mark humor, SDR's projects & photos, not to mention stuff from people who aren't around at all anymore (Heath in the UK comes to mind).  

I'm more upset that the three big threads on weaving danish paper cord are still not restored.  There were tips in there that can't be found anywhere else.  I just did a search for them again---first time in several weeks---and this time I got a whole lot of individual posts within threads for just "danish paper cord" but when i clicked on one at random, I got an error message saying the thread doesn't exist.  GAH.

I'm just starting a restoration project that is very frustrating and I came here thinking i MIGHT be able to find helpful info that I know used to be here.  No such luck.  

The feeling I get is that the current owners do not consider the forum to be an important part of the site. 

Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 24
06/03/2019 8:38 am  

I have the same opinion as most here......... and I've been round a longggggg time too albeit my input barely rates a mention!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 745
06/03/2019 1:38 pm  

No forum guidelines or rules anywhere? Yippee! Finally!

How much is my one-of-a-kind, handmade by Juhl himself (in his spare time) step stool worth? I think the wood is Lignum Vitae but I'm not sure so I could use some help there, too. Sorry, no photos, but I found it in a dumpster and it's in perfect condition!

I hope it's worth like A LOT! I kinda hate to sell it, but I really need the money right now.

Thanks a bunch. You folks are the best!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 745
06/03/2019 1:58 pm  

P.S. I've spent at least an hour looking at images on the internet, so I know it's an authentic Finn Juhl step stool. Plus, it's signed by hand in ink!

Illustrious Member Moderator
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 1256
06/03/2019 2:41 pm  

Oh, that sounds great. From what you say I can tell for sure that you have a very rare and authentic Finn Juhl piece. Would you sell it to me? For 800 $? This is a really good offer, you better believe me.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member Moderator
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 1256
06/03/2019 2:43 pm  

Oh, I see you only have one star. I don't think I can trust you, so forget what I wrote before.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

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