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Prominent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 172
14/02/2019 12:43 pm  

it feels  like I'm not welcome 

may be it is my mistake...

Illustrious Member
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14/02/2019 3:26 pm  

I've experienced similar frustration with the site and, as a result, have resorted to ghosting the former "esteemed (lol) member" of nearly 10 years known here as "tktoo". Contacting DA has been of no help whatsoever as I am limited to only American English and am an unabashed neoluddite when it comes to these things, sadly. The loss of a searchable forum archive is a particularly unfortunate development IMO.

Prominent Member
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Posts: 172
14/02/2019 5:15 pm  

some members and older threads are like empty cocoons


Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1296
14/02/2019 5:22 pm  


I feel your frustration!!

The loss of the search function is indeed unfortunate.

I raised this issue with the moderators; they sent this reply; "I will inquire to add the search function !"

"We stay tuned for any remarks or improvements to the forum " and "We will do our best to keep the forum as attractive as before."

I have noticed some new features over the last few days ( like our ranking 🤩 and emojis !!  ) and more images seem to have migrated accross from the old forum.
The changeover is a work in progress and we may just have to be patient !!

Knowledge shared is Knowledge gained

Illustrious Member Moderator
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 1253
14/02/2019 5:28 pm  

I guess, that is true, Lexi. But right now the forum looks and feels like this really empty home. Like when you move and somehow most of the furniture got lost on the way and you sit there and wait for it to reappear but nobody knows where the missing truck is. So sad.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member Moderator
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Posts: 1253
14/02/2019 5:30 pm  

By the way: Yes, please, please restore the search function! This forum is all about searching for information.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member Moderator
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14/02/2019 5:41 pm  

And (sorry for spamming): I like the ranking. But I strongly doubt that our expert friend cd silva is only accountable for 350 posts.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member
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14/02/2019 6:26 pm  


I remembered your posting log in advice for the new site but was unable to find it when I needed it.  Numerous attempts using my old username, email address, and password as well as contacting DA twice (autoreplies in Dutch?) proved unsuccessful. So, here I am no longer as "tktoo" (formerly awarded a 10-star rating which I have done absolutely nothing to deserve, though I'm flattered ...I guess).

Everyone deserves a chance at a fresh start, no? I shall do my best to not complain, remain patient, and not miss too much the good old days. At least the price of admission is still reasonable.

Illustrious Member
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14/02/2019 7:06 pm  


I think I posted that information on the 4th February. Later that day the old Forum became a 404 error, page not found. My post was gone!!

I now see the contact e-mail has changed.

I had used the old e address and got a personal,prompt English.

Your autoreplies were probably in the site is based in Belgium! A simple "lost in translation" moment for a"neoluddite" like yourself!!


Knowledge shared is Knowledge gained

Illustrious Member Moderator
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Posts: 1253
14/02/2019 7:12 pm  


I tried to reset my password a few days ago and it did not work. But now the whole process was very simple. Maybe you just try again as tktoo?

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1296
14/02/2019 7:20 pm  


I think I posted that information on the 4th February. Later that day the old Forum became a 404 error, page not found. My post was gone!!

I now see the contact e-mail has changed.

I had used the old e address and got a personal,prompt English.

Your autoreplies were probably in Flemish..not surprising as the site is based in Belgium,a country with two official languages, just like here in Ireland!! A simple "lost in translation" moment for a"neoluddite" like yourself!!


ps;@waldorf, I have encountered the same issue. I wonder is it because some members have not registered for the new forum and as such their topics/ comments are not accesible at the present time?

Knowledge shared is Knowledge gained

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1296
14/02/2019 7:28 pm  


Edited my previous report... and it comes up as another post...


Apologies for  repeating myself.( tempted to put in an emoji....but I will not succumb)



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Illustrious Member
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14/02/2019 7:37 pm  

Kind and Estimable @lexi,

Most of the US art museums where I have worked display their 17th and 18th-century Dutch and Flemish collections together in the same galleries. Perhaps I've picked up my confusion there. Besides, as I am both technologically and linguistically challenged, the languages appear similar to my provincial eyes. Apologies offered freely.

Most Noble @herringbone,

Thank you for the suggestion. I might just try again, though I'm rather enjoying a newfound sense of relative anonymity here of late. Really, 10 stars and a gold cup are heavy burdens to bear for one as unworthy as myself.





Noble Member
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Posts: 246
15/02/2019 3:37 pm  


there are 2 (3) official laguages in Belgium  Flemish wich is practicaly the same as dutch spoken in the flanders part of belgium and French spoken in the walonieén part of belgium and apart speaks german.The question of laguages is both very sensitive and political in Belgium 

flanders and the netherlands are one country upto 1839 So tktoo there is a logic in your idea teh culture upto 1839 is almost one culture there are famous painters considred dutch who lived in flanders van eyck for example of copursevan gogh is dutch living only 4o km more to he north but after 1839

maarten van wesemael (wich is by the way abelgium nameour family fled for the spanish to what is now the netherlands)

Estimable Member Admin
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Posts: 91
15/02/2019 6:09 pm  

Dear Old timer members, 

We are doing our best to improve this platform, including this forum. 
The DA community is very important to us and we would like to keep it alive in the coming years. We also want you to feel always welcome and we apologize for the small bugs in this new forum.

Lexi is right, it is indeed a work in progress. We need to migrate the content of the old forum, but it has to be done step by step because we want to make sure that the site is able to support so much data 🙂 
We will also restore the search function in the coming weeks ! 

All the best ! 

From Design Addict Team 

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