Design Addict


teahouse or studio ...

teahouse or studio plans wanted  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
06/09/2009 10:54 am  

Image below-
Jamberoo house - Glenn Murcutt

The shed is going well, have discovered
that living 20 minutes away from a sawmill
has very real financial benefits 🙂 The
structural timbers have come in at less than
half of what I thought they'd be and think I
can build something pre-fab to house myself
too without much difficulty and at a remarkably
low price. Its certainly nothing like making
furniture! I am really freaking sick of
digging holes though.

Does anyone have any plans or links to
plans of things like Japanese tea houses,
pre-fabs that aren't fashion plates,
garages, barns, industrial buildings,
shaker houses, studios etc? I've looked on
and off for ages but no real luck.

Something along these lines.

muchas gracias


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