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taxidermy in modern...

taxidermy in modern designed interiors  

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Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 4:56 am  

ummm ok.
Addressing your o...
ummm ok.
Addressing your other point, defining people other by their sense of style is lame. This strikes me as a pretty shallow response. Not just response, but shallow outlook on people.
We express ourselves in many ways. That expression is part of a whole equation that reveals who we are. Having animal heads on the wall is certainly a clue into the whole of an individual.

Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 5:01 am  

To you it is, Woof...
Which sums up your very shallow outlook on the subject...
You can deem IT whatever you like. That's your opinion. But once you start making judgments of CHARACTER based on IT, you've gone off half-boiled.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 6:48 am  

People do it all the time...
People do it all the time White, including yourself. It's part of the non-verbal clues we gleam from the world around us. They affect how we interact with it. I don't want to argue with you over this. It's a lenghtly discussion covering too many topics. An example of this is the FBI (as does all law enforcement) utilizing what is called profiling to apprehened criminals or potential criminals. Another example, whom, ahhh... people most likley to purchase a product or service based on profiles. Demographics is an example of a tool used to profile populations. This is psychology 101 stuff man.

Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 7:50 am  

That's the thing, though...
I'm not looking to incite a riot here. But there's not one stereotype you can reasonably attach to stuffed game mounted on a wall. Maybe you could say "old white America"... But honestly, that's a pretty ridiculous reach as all sorts of cultures and nations value big game and "the kill". You seem to have some sort of narrow, "green" influenced opinion of hunting and taxidermy. Is mounting as life-like an example as possible of an actual kill that much different than the Indians wearing feathers and horns and antlers? These same Indians believed, for the most part, that the caribou or the bison or whatever it was they lucked out in bringing down that day was part of the same life force as them. They would pray over their fallen animals, thanking whomever they prayed to for blessing them with needed food and accouterments.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 11:11 am  

You want stereotypes...
You want stereotypes we go

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 11:35 am  

how bout this one too
how bout this one too

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 11:50 am  

The issue isn't about...
The issue isn't about sustenance hunting or traditional cultures. Your "narrow green view" statement is irrelevant and rather condescending. The issue is about the purpose of mounting a dead animal to the wall or stuffing the carcass for non educational purposes. What's that all about?
My feeling towards this is one of repulsion because it destroys a amazingly beautiful living being to serve the purpose of nothing more than the ego of a supposedly "higher" being. Anyone who truly appreciates the majestic splendor of the wild doesn't need to destroy it.
Sustenance hunting is dignified. Especially since it counters the industrial-ranching-slaughterhouse-complex. But then, to mount the remains tarnishes whatever altruism there was.
On another note, it's an entirely different matter when a being has a choice to be mounted and displayed. See photo/link below.

Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 9:20 pm  

Not to beat a dead deer, but...
Not to beat a dead deer, but I would just like to add, for the sake of argument (and to stroke my ego) that I'm a crack shot with no wall mounts, almost as good as some of my ancestors, ancestors I remember clearly - except for my great uncle Morris - as not having the heads of the animals they shot/ate displayed in their homes, trailers or otherwise.
This has been a hudsonhonu public service announcement.

Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 9:34 pm  

"Demographics is an example...
"Demographics is an example of a tool used to profile populations."
That's very true. As I am in marketing I understand that.
But the honest truth is that humans are much too complex for these demographics to hold completely true. And I know you know that. It is a useful tool for selling product, but to use it to warrant personal judgement is another story. Why don't you go ahead and make assumptions about African American individuals based on the sum of their popular culture's taste in violent music and the percentage of their race in prisons? Be careful. Your logic is dangerous.
I have a deer head on my wall. I tend to vote democrat. I don't attend church. I can't stand modern country music. I live in a solar powered home and own one car and ride the bus. I am a designer and musician. I love to fish. I believe in gay marriage. I am pro life by ethic and pro choice by common sense. I love Jesus. I cuss like a sailor and smoke more pot than your burnout cousin.
I don't know if demographics are that useful in pinning me down and I suspect the same goes for many.
Get off your high horse. Your standards are not God's. Just your own. That's what makes the world go round. I think your logic is more disturbing than my deer head.

Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 10:40 pm  

Oh, my!
I just don't like the creepy glass eyeballs....

Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 10:48 pm  

Better than creepy real...
Better than creepy real eyeballs.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 11:08 pm  

Cool it cousin Whitey, I'm...
Cool it cousin Whitey, I'm starting to understand why this is personal to you. No need to bite.
I think you've demonstrated my point. You've also contorted my position.
As for mounted animals, I've have a history working with hunters. Plenty of conversations over the merits of hunting. I do feel I have qualified experience on this subject.
As a non-hunter, what compelled you to decorate with a mounted deer hear?

Illustrious Member
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03/05/2010 11:38 pm  

"Whitey, I'm starting to...
"Whitey, I'm starting to understand why this is personal to you."
Do tell? What is it you understand about me without reading what I have offered you?
You ask why and you make assumptions WITHOUT reading the whole thread. If you'd read you would have seen that I gave quite a lengthy reason. And you made your blanket statements after I did so.
You made a slight at peoples' character who do have this sort of thing i.e. me without knowing the whys first.
Olive simply said she didn't like it. You made assumptions about the character of the people who happen to disagree with you. Get it?
Perhaps you're in a wad because I have a point? You basically said that you can judge my character based on the fact that I have a deer head. I find that to be insanely simple minded. Do you?
Off to lunch. Deer sausage.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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04/05/2010 12:58 am  

It's personal to you because...
It's personal to you because you have a mounted head.
Sorry if you felt I made a direct and personal comment on YOU, which wasn't my intention. I was commenting on the hunter-head relationship. I was commenting on what purpose does a mounted head serve. Sorry I failed to fully absorb your deeply personal reason having a mounted head.
I'm sorry you feel I'm simple minded and lame and bunched up in a wad...I truly am. I'm sorry you feel I'm above it all. I'm sorry my logic is somehow disturbing. I don't feel I've represented myself in such a way. I'm sorry won this debate, you can mount me on your wall.

Illustrious Member
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04/05/2010 1:09 am  

Failed to read, not failed...
Failed to read, not failed to absorb. And it's ok. i've had lunch so I'm not grumpy anymore 😉

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