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taxidermy in modern...

taxidermy in modern designed interiors  

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Illustrious Member
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27/04/2010 10:12 pm  

I recently obtained a deer head for my living room knowing that I would incur some amount of backlash. Two unnamed DAs are my friends on facebook. One has responded in disgust and one with delight.

The interesting thing is, prior I have had no dealings with taxidermy at all as far as physically handling it. It's funny to find out that beyond the fur and antlers none if it is real. Other than antlers it's not much more than my leather boots. And less "real" material than my Eames 670.

I don't want to get into an ethical debate, although I know its coming. I am truly talking aesthetics here. Believe me, though, if there were no hunters in Texas the deer would be everywhere. It would be chaos.

And you have to admit, the meat is more organic and free range than anything at the market.... less cruel than the chickens many of us eat.

I think it's just the carcass as decor that bums people out. Thoughts? ANyone seen it done "right?"

Illustrious Member
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27/04/2010 10:20 pm  

Carcass as decor...
that would be it for me...ewwwwww! Can't imagine relaxing beneath creepy glass eyes forever staring...shudder!

Illustrious Member
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27/04/2010 10:26 pm  

Is this
the same guy who thinks global warming is a hoax ?
Hmm. . .could be some connection there. . .
Yes, I'm from San Francisco. So shoot. . .me ?

Illustrious Member
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27/04/2010 11:16 pm  

That would not be me. I am...
That would not be me. I am not smart enough to know if it is a hoax or not. I assume it's not.
And feel free to flame me on this one... I sort of expect it. And I know hating taxidermy is the popular opinion, so if you really don't mind it or are neutral grow a pair and let us know!

Illustrious Member
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27/04/2010 11:32 pm  

Climate Change
We really need to ditch the term 'global warming' and use 'climate change' instead. Global warming is misleading as it makes folks think there are no issues if it snows in winter.
Our climate IS changing, we can all see this quite clearly if we read the news. What we have to come to grips with is what part of it is a normal earth cycle and which part have we added. Viewed this way most reasonable people can see the human created effects and how these effects are pushing the current change to dangerous extremes.
Not that this really has anything to do with the taxidermy of deer heads other than population overcrowding of the deer from habitat loss due to suburban sprawl....but we all hate McMansions anyhow.

Illustrious Member
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27/04/2010 11:46 pm  

I prefer skulls
But ("used") taxidermy is okay by me. Certainly, some are more aesthetically pleasing (and less creepy) than others.
Especially if it's a squirrel... standing erect... with a hat and fishing pole.

Illustrious Member
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27/04/2010 11:47 pm  

"Climate Change" is a lame quasi-PC term.
Polar ice caps are melting.
The world is getting warmer.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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28/04/2010 12:24 am  

Ha, this thread reminded me of
the classic Palin thread.
Back to the topic at hand, taxidermy is en vogue, look at Damien Hirst.

Illustrious Member
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28/04/2010 1:13 am  

Want to explain your reasoning for that woodywood?
Climate change is a plain simple term. To me it's no more PC than saying tax accountant. It's just a properly descriptive term. I hate PC crap and global warming is the term that has been co-opted by the naysayers who like to way around photos of snow in Washington as proof that our climate isn't being affected by humans.

Illustrious Member
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28/04/2010 1:25 am  

My perspective is the opposite
"Climate Change" is a term that neutralizes the impact of the true phenomenon.
It's like saying... The world's climate isn't changing for the worse... it's just "different".

Active Member
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28/04/2010 1:28 am  

that's some nicely decorated ...
that's some nicely decorated living room!

Famed Member
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28/04/2010 1:30 am  

As a meat eater, I would...
As a meat eater, I would be a hypocrite if I was against it for ethical reasons. The more of a killed animal that gets used, the better.
Having said that, I don't really see the aesthetical appeal in a home. Horns are beautiful on a live animal, but as a dead object, no. I feel the same way about butterflies and mummies, actually. I also don't see any inherently positive meaning. If anything, I associate this with hunting and killing for sport. This isn't exactly my idea of fun.
I might feel different if I had personally killed the animal.

Illustrious Member
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28/04/2010 1:42 am  

That was well said Gustaf...
You pretty much described my mind completely. I eat meat, I don't object to someone who hunts for meat that they will consume. Respectfully utilizing as much of the animal as possible is the best way to honor the fact hat a creature's life ended on your dinner plate. But a dead animal in my, sorry, can't go there.
I see where you are coming from, woodywood. I think climate change is actually quite natural. There is much evidence geologically to support this. BUT...humans have made a huge impact on this particular climate shift and it's greatly increased our chances of an irretrievable mess. Sometimes, I just try not to think about it since it scares me so much.
OK, I'm going to go do something happy now...

Illustrious Member
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28/04/2010 2:42 am  

"Horns are beautiful on a...
"Horns are beautiful on a live animal, but as a dead object, no. I feel the same way about butterflies and mummies, actually. "
so you prefer your mummies to be alive?

Ark of Decorati...
Noble Member
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28/04/2010 4:15 am  

they were never alive
I enjoy the Isabelle Rolland, Trophy wall lamp and the Erich Ginder, Ghost Antler coat rack. These are both great pieces and they were never alive. The Elsa Peretti Bone candle stick in sterling silver (terra cotta for the less fortunate) is another good design for the table.
I also have several of the Spinneybeck hair hides that are good to throw on beds, sofas, chairs, and the floor.

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