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table design  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
16/04/2011 1:52 am  

Thanks for commenting appropr...
Thanks for commenting appropriately SDR, but you did add that much later I hope everyone realizes. The actual helpful part wasn't in your original post. You could have added it in the order it was actually written, or you could have added it to the original to ensure I look irrational. Your ' original post ' had no useful info of the sort.
But thanks either way, that was an answer to one of the most important questions. Thanks to anyone else who cares to add.
Gene, I don't really see why you would be unnecessarily snarky, but that's your issue not mine.
I have been here along time like SDR without any problems. But it seems people tend to find no fault with him and hang on his every word. If you cannot see past your own cyber hero worship and want to play favorites fine by me.

Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 318
16/04/2011 2:21 am  

Whitespike - still a little m...
Whitespike - still a little miffed about a comment you made (an off-topic one, at that) a couple weeks ago. Or not so much at the comment, but that when I called you out, you didn't simply apologize. But it isn't that big of a deal and it was petty of me to resurrect it.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
16/04/2011 2:24 am  

Sorry bud, I don't recall it. I am fine with being called out. If I am being hypocritical or insensitive, my sincere apologies. I am horrified that I may have done that, and don't condone it. Now I see why you might have been snarky with me.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
16/04/2011 2:39 am  

In fact, I added
to my first post almost immediately -- while you were reading and typing, I guess -- and before I had seen anything posted. But I guess neither you nor anyone else went back to see. If all our posts were time-stamped, and not just edits, this would be plain.
Doesn't matter now -- I guess the topic is dead. If that's my fault, I apologize -- to everyone.

Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 318
16/04/2011 2:42 am  

Thank you, Whitespike. It's ...
Thank you, Whitespike. It's forgotten.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
16/04/2011 3:44 am  

I do believe the problems been solved
Don't you have a big table as seen on the kitchen thread? Round the edges over and paint it white, replace the legs if you really want to.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
16/04/2011 4:09 am  

an answer
Get any type of table you desire and cover the edges with foam pipe insulation until the situation with your child improves. This answer is not meant to smart or offensive.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
16/04/2011 4:19 am  

I was going to suggest the same thing or a helmut, but didn't think that would go down to well.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
16/04/2011 5:25 am  

better safe than sorry

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