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Is this table McCob...

Is this table McCobb?  


Reputable Member
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 105
28/09/2015 2:43 am  

I bought a dining set that consists of 6 chairs, which are obviously McCobb, and a table, which is not so obvious. The lady who sold them said her great grandmother bought the chairs and table together and they are certainly the same vintage. But I have never seen a McCobb table like this one. Did the great grandmother buy from two different designers or could this be an early McCobb? Can't find it anywhere.
<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wp

Honorable Member
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28/09/2015 3:32 am  

Are the chairs marked to support the McCobb id? Look more like George Nakashima or possibly Russell Wright?

Reputable Member
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Posts: 105
28/09/2015 5:32 am  

Hmm. Maybe those chairs aren't McCobb. I've seen them identified as McCobb, but I can't remember where. They're not Russell Wright. And if they're Nakashima, I'll fall off my...chair. My question was about the table, but now the chairs are a mystery too. Has anyone seen them before?

Illustrious Member
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28/09/2015 6:23 pm  

The table is not McCobb and the chairs are not by Nakashima (Knoll) but the look alikes the flooded the market which usually are more affordable than the real versions.
Also they table is not Russel Wright and the chairs are not McCobb.
You got a decent and useful vintage set and enjoy them for what they are and I hope you did not pay inflated prices.

Reputable Member
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 105
29/09/2015 5:42 am  

Thanks Minimoma. That helps a lot. I paid $125 for the set and I'm happy with it, regardless of who designed it.


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