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sweat problems  

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Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3499
08/08/2008 2:16 am  

This might prove to be the weirdest topic yet, but I have sweat problems. For the longest time I blamed these orangy bleach spots on my shirts on my detergent, only to find someone else with the same issue (trust me, the relevance is coming).

After moving I noticed a few orangy-pink spots on my sofa. They aren't too noticeable, but I paid to have this sofa recovered two years ago in Modernica Type 1.

Shouldn't upholstery of this type be more resistant against this sort of thing? What can I do to remove the spots? Anything?

Sorry to gross the whole DA community out, but I feel slightly ripped off that the color of the fabric would be compromised by such a common thing as sweat. Who hasn't been on their sofa with a little sweat on them from time to time. This shouldn't happen! It's not like I jump up and down on it after playing football. I don't take naps on it after yardwork. It's just regular ol' "it's a tad warm in here why don't I crank the AC" sweat.


Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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08/08/2008 2:42 am  

You are not alone, I'm sure.
I don't know about Modernica fabric, but I've seen some contemporary "microfiber" sofas, less than a year old, where I can tell exactly where the owner sits to watch TV. Perfect ass impressions. I assume it's from sweat moisture too.

Illustrious Member
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08/08/2008 3:21 am  

Sweat contains
salts and proteins from the body - in small amounts - and they do a number on dyed fabric.
I suggest using a fabric cleaner that advertises to be good for removing pet stains.
Now, as regards your own issue, from one friend to another, it might be something lacking in your diet that's causing this to be a problem...ask your doctor.
In the meantime, Mitchum is suppose to be good for high perspiration issues.
Hope this helps.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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08/08/2008 3:25 am  

My fear is that is more of a...
My fear is that is more of a "bleaching" than a stain ... meaning it is permanent?

Estimable Member
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08/08/2008 3:52 am  

Anti Perspirant?
Actually, i've heard/read that the "bleaching" on some fabrics is actually caused more by the aluminum salts found in most antiperspirants than by the actual sweat itself.
And if the dye has been stripped, i don't see that you can do anything about it, other than recover.
It might be a good idea to see if there are any antiperspirants that do not contain aluminum...maybe some of the natural products? Or something that your dermatologist can prescribe. I think there may be alcohol-based prescription products out there.
(i've found many solutions in life are alcohol-based)
Sweat does contain uric acid, which is found in...well... "uric" can figure it out, so the pet stain remover remedy sounds like a great suggestion if your stain is actually sweat; probably even for laundry stains.

Big Television Man
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08/08/2008 4:58 am  

Hey Whitespike, this is totally off topic
but wasn't it you a few months back that contemplated a short lived career in carpentry, the boss was a real butt-head if I'm not mistaken. Where did you wind up? Someplace I hope that utilizes your intellect rather then brawn in the hot, isn't it Texas, sun?

Illustrious Member
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08/08/2008 6:45 am  

Colored sweat
You should go see your doctor. Colored sweat is called "chromhidrosis" and I think they treat it with Botox injections, seriously. When I worked in a hospital on the prenatal floor, we had a pregnant patient present who complained of blue sweat of all things but hers was due to some high exposure to copper, if I remember correctly. Do you work with any dyes? Are you exposed to any weird chemicals? Have you always had orange sweat? Go to the doc, buddy!

Illustrious Member
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08/08/2008 7:43 am  

BTW, I heard there was a chromhidrosis specialist practicing in Milan. I think his name was Dr. Sacchetta di Frutta, or something similar. Check him out.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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08/08/2008 8:20 am  

I would go see a doctor...
I would go see a doctor tonight if I were you. The fabric is of little consequence at this point. Good luck.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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08/08/2008 8:30 am  

Shit, you guys are scaring...
Shit, you guys are scaring me. My sweat doesn't come out orange, rather it just stains orange. What's weird is that the other person I found with the same problem is my fiance (are our kids screwed?). I don't sweat a lot really. It's just that when I do, it ruins my shirts, and apparently, my sofa.
Should I really do to the doc? Are you serious? What the hell??!!! It's been this way for years. In classic DA fashion, I just didn't care until it compromised the condition of my furniture. Is this really so weird?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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08/08/2008 8:32 am  

I was me who did a stint in...
It was me who did a stint in carpentry. I am now working for a large international startup agency in Austin working on the marketing for Dell.

Illustrious Member
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08/08/2008 9:02 am  

Calm down
Whitespike, chromhidrosis is really quite, quite rare. But if you do have it, there's no cure, just palliative treatment. You should see a doc just to be on the safe side and bring him one of your shirts. I'm not kidding.
On a lighter note, but just as relevent, does your family take alot of vitamins or eat alot of carrots? Both of these things can make your sweat, pee, tears, etc. turn orange. Did you have to take the drug Rifampin recently? It makes those bodily fluids turn orange as well. It's probably nothing but whatever it is, it's not normal so go see a doctor!

Illustrious Member
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08/08/2008 10:04 am  

Not to mention beets...
You're quite alright, my friend. Much more likely it has something to do with household items or diet since it's you and yours who both 'suffer' from it.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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08/08/2008 11:05 am  

Dude, I found the answer, you're either going through menopause
OR it's you PH balance.
All I did was google orange sweat stains and voila:
"In doing some research several months ago I discovered that the yellow stain left behind by people like me is from an out-of-balance pH level. Apparently protein from the bacteria that normally lives on our skin will produce the yellowing stain. When the pH level is more neutral the bacteria will leave no stain, but if it's off the stains will appear."
Apparently the more out of whack your PH balance is, the darker the stains.
The full article and suggested remedies (which apparently are working for the author) is here:

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 984
08/08/2008 11:49 am  

I've been off the grid a few days...
In the mountains.
And a raw diet from my garden free of chemicals and fed by a altitude
natural spring. Not that you need to clear your diet of any toxins. I think
something is excessive in your diet that you love or frequent. The two of you
are obsessed about something together.
Funny that this came up. That happened to me only once in high school years
ago. The orange thing. I was a jock and my diet was mostly yogurt and
protein. sugar and salt. For two weeks i was orange. It went away but i've always
wondered. Back then the Coach handed out salt pills like candy.
Do a dramatic diet change, not necessarily full vegan or vegitarian.
Just ruffle it up a bit. I like a good steak.
I have to say that orange moment 20 years ago was spooky.
Just like plants, ya gotta balance the ph.
We all have our own personal needs to survive.
Something is lacking in your personal diet that you need. We are all different.
If you have a daily routine, coffee shop, bagel, (NY) ! same lunchetc...
screw it. Make an effort and make a radical change.
One persons daily fuel is different from anothers. Often too much salt.

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