Design Addict


suggestions for a n...

suggestions for a new computer desk  


New Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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23/02/2007 6:18 am  

anyone have a favourite? i'm looking to get a new desk.

Reputable Member
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23/02/2007 10:44 pm  

i use an effektiv table from ikea. not sure if they sell it anymore...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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24/02/2007 12:54 am  

I'm ready to do away with computers desks...
Put the box and printer anywhere with a wifi connection. Wear a small widfi screen on my head and wear wifi gloves that read my finger movements for key strokes. The screen can suspend at a 20 degree tilt away from my eyes and I can just glance down at any paper work in front of me where ever I am. The screen tilts up and down with a key stroke to let me access the world. Kind of borg, I know, but computers and the stuff that goes with them ought to disappear from out lives as much as possible.
Even better is Ray Kurzweil's idea of engineering a bunch of nanorobots that are injected into the blood stream and designed to lodge in the brain and override normal sensory input. They are wifi linked to your computer outside your body and when you switch the nanobots to compute, your consciousness becomes a computing environment. Switch them to normal and reality returns to your senses. Only problem with this is someone hacking you brain. 🙂
Ah, the possibilities.

Illustrious Member
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24/02/2007 1:12 am  

"computers and the stuff...
"computers and the stuff that goes with them ought to disappear from out lives as much as possible"
I disagree. Design has to accept the computers place in the home as reality. We are in a computer age. To hide, and to deny that is not "modern" to me. It doesn't match design with contemporary life.
My favorties are:
1. As always, the Eames desk
2. The Strut table by BluDot
3. Two sawhorses and a door. I'm serious.

James Collins
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 547
24/02/2007 3:51 am  

computer desk 2007
I've been through a similar quest to find the perfect new desk for my computer. I once had a 10x12 bedroom completely used as an office for my CD and web work and you needed all that room in the 80s and 90s. I have two seven foot tall Anthro Carts for holding up all the masive peripherals that a good Mac needed in 1989. A decent workstation for a professional in multimedia required two or more 19/21" inch CRTs (there's a hundred pounds) plus all the disk drives and scanners and laser printers and all the huge boxes of software. I went through a self purging of all the clap-trap of this business accumulated over 20 years. The same room is now a comfortable study and guest room. I can still do all the Mac things I did in 89 and a whole lot more in a tiny fraction of the actual computer hardware. This is a good thing ©2006 Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. All rights reserved. I got a whole extra room in the house! I finally selected for a computer desk a Heywood Wakefield desk from the 50's.
Modern yet comfortably middle class. I think I allways secretly wanted to be June Cleaver...(US TV reference)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
24/02/2007 6:29 am  

Never underestimate, June...
She raised two boys, kept Ward coming home for more, kept a spotless house and knew how to stay trim, coiffed, made-up, and wrinkle free without a single issue of Martha, Oprah, or Lucky. Imagine THAT!
P.S.: I guess I'm revealing my discreet charm of the bourgoisie, but I am fond of quite alot of H-W's stuff. I still wish I had bought one of their "interpretations" of the Eames easy chair in the most beautiful blonde wood. HW had to be the king of blonde.


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