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stimulating the e...

stimulating the economy  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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14/02/2009 7:30 pm  

George W. Bush is not the measure of what I deem a true conservative Republican. But yes, that statement is one normally uttered in jest and I do get a kick out of it. However, I think there is a sliver of truth to it in reference to past politics. After all, we've all been led to believe that FDR was actually trying to combat the Great Depression(some would even say he brought us out of it, nonsense) with all of his Communist ploys which were no more than an attempt at reform in the name of stimulus. Eerily similar to what we're seeing now me thinks.
And as for me hearing only what I want to hear... I take any story from the AP with a grain of salt as they like the whole of the mainstream media are completely in the tank for Obamamania. The mainstream media is no avenue for news these days. The CEO told Obama that 'maybe his bill along with many others on the global front could stimulate heavy construction and allow CAT to recall employees.' Now honestly, don't try to tell me Obama wasn't attempting to sell his socialism.

Illustrious Member
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14/02/2009 8:03 pm  

lunchbox as i said in...
lunchbox as i said in the above post and i repeat
good bad or indifferent something had to be done,to stimulate this crippled, and life support economy, the fact that only three Republicans in the Senate and 0 Republicans in the house voted for it is so sick it makes me sick all over again, I just wonder if they thought it was a big
hoax? Yes we all know Democrats like to spend, but after the last 8 years of Republicans spending on there favoite cause the war in Iraq anything would feel good. maybe if we could recoup some of that money we spent over there maybe we would not have had such a big problem.

Illustrious Member
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18/02/2009 10:31 pm  

SO tired of of the same old saw
"we all know Democrats like to spend money" I wish folks would learn things for themselves instead of repeating what they hear when it comes to politics and religion. The world would be a better place.
The reality is that Republicans have by created the larger deficits in our governmental spending. Take a look at the historical reality here...

Trusted Member
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Posts: 61
19/02/2009 3:28 am  

Progamming the human biocomputer
John Cunningham Lilly wrote on a series of interesting
subjects including dolphin research, LSD research and human
brain research. He found many beliefs are so deeply programmed
in people that "objective" problem solving is colored by
the layers of programming in the brain.
The no new taxes program is so ingrained in the Republican
party that overiding the program is next to impossible.

Illustrious Member
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19/02/2009 3:46 am  

Yeah, that sounds about right to me.
I'm actually not affiliated with either party, nor any religion. I am deeply analytical and profoundly pragmatic about just about everything. I have to remind myself to be frivolous once and a while. But I go through life being constantly amazed at the rote drivel that people will spout with utter conviction. When I ask where they got the data on their views, they look at me like I was born on mars or raised by wolves. Mr. Lily is probably quite correct that most people will not question their programming nor delve into dogma that makes them squeamish to refute. However, facts never lie, and I find comfort in that fact! 😉

Illustrious Member
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20/02/2009 11:17 am  

Numbers can be skewed. Your little tables show Reagan creating massive deficits. However, they don't show his massive turnaround of the disastrous Jimmy Carter economy. What were mortgage rates when Reagan took office? What were they after his eight years were up? These are facts. What did Reagan spend on? Military. Not war. Military. We were a resounding voice of peace in those days. And I don't think anyone would argue the FACT that military branches of command are our or any other country's political leader's greatest responsibility in governing. If you hate your country, that's no one's problem but your own. I loathe civilization. It will be forever flawed. But in the scheme of civilization, this country was founded as strongly as any before or after it. Your condescension is not one of superior knowledge.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
20/02/2009 5:13 pm  

Current mortgage rates
4.897 APR for 30 yr fixed
4.65 ARP for 15 yr fixed
So, Bush was an economic genius....?
The home building / financing industry is a horrible example.

Illustrious Member
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20/02/2009 6:17 pm  

"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war"
-Albert Einstein
Lunchbox, if you think that a president's main responsibility is military might, then it's glaringly apparent that you and I will never be able to have any sort of meaningful conversation. So why don't we just take a pass on the personal insults. You are entitiled to your opinion and I to mine.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
21/02/2009 12:20 am  

i just closed on a ...
i just closed on a refinance of 4.37 on a 15 year fixed on my home. that seems to be a fairly good rate.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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21/02/2009 12:25 am  

No, woody...
Apples and oranges. The Carter economy's 20% mortgage rates were just one of the more glaring issues. Don't think there's any point in arguing that. Carter was an epic failure.
Olive, one side wants the founding fathers' words upheld. The other side wants to rewrite them. So no, there will be no agreeing between you and I. And don't even pretend to be offended by my supposed insults in the midst of your supposed psychological belittlement.

Illustrious Member
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21/02/2009 1:44 am  

Not sure which "side" you are referring to (or are on), since the US Patriot Act violates half of the Bill of Rights.

Illustrious Member
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21/02/2009 2:48 am  

I could really do without the politics here. That's just me.
Frankly, I don't give a toss what any of you believe. It doesn't matter, because no one here is going to convince another otherwise. We might as well let this forum be what it was designed to be and discuss what we all do have in common .... you know, the design thing.
I'm on to design related topics ...

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1208
21/02/2009 3:12 am  

You continue to talk about...
You continue to talk about W. Bush, woody. How many times do I have to say it? His own party disowned him for goodness sake. Never mind the fact that the Act had resounding bipartisan support when enacted.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4318
21/02/2009 5:23 pm  

So which "side" are you on? (rhetorical)
(Bi)partisan governments are inane. Us vs. Them, choosing sides, everything because a competition or game. Might as well turn it into an athletic league, since people care more about sports anyway. CSPAN could be the next ESPN.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
24/02/2009 8:57 am  

Stimulus looks counter productive at this point...
But apparently Obama is equipped to spend like there's no tomorrow while cutting the deficit in half. It's true. He said it. It must be possible then.

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