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stimulating the e...

stimulating the economy  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
13/02/2009 4:37 am  

I have noticed in the last several months all business have come to screeching halt,
Of course our oil and gas business is the hardest hit, with world oil prices all but collapsing,
I have noticed several other business that i have a interest in have also been effected, we are in the middle of America, how about you guys on the right coast and left coast, have you seen any of the business you are involved in hurting, ? people being laid off,
I have seen very little activity on ebay thinking that people would be selling there great stuff, other than the Girard Chair for 2100 nothing else has looked good at all. and no great deals at all.
My buddie that owns a cool store, with vintage modern furniture has not sold hardly a thing and we are both not going to Palm Springs this weekend for the modern show, something that was a lot of fun last year as prices were high and the only thing i ended up with were two Nelson Howard miller clocks,

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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13/02/2009 10:50 am  

"Of course our oil and gas...
"Of course our oil and gas business is the hardest hit, with world oil prices all but collapsing,"
LRF, I hope you reconsider your statement. The air is reeking of a stale economy, but oil/gas industry hardest hit?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
13/02/2009 5:36 pm  

Hardest hit!?!
Exxon-Mobil had it's highest profits in 2008 ever. Oil companies are the leading henchmen for the disaster engendered by the last 8 years of dubious leadership! We NEED a new way. the old way is dead. No more oil-based economy and no more funny financials!

Honorable Member
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13/02/2009 5:49 pm  

East coast area: N.Y./Hudson Co. N.J.
The construction industry has slowed down. For some it's come to a standstill. Large size & mid size architecture firms have laid off 30-50% of their workforce.
Smaller firms have folded up or integrated w/ other small offices. The private & commercial sector has been hit hardest. Federal & state work are more competitive. Diversified firms will survive. The stimulus will help but the impact is expected in 12-18" months.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
13/02/2009 8:29 pm  

Won't matter if this bill passes today...
The US of A will change alright. Full on depression. Candy bar will cost $8.64.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
13/02/2009 8:43 pm  

Which is why
Which is why we all should buy expensive, locally made (if possible) furniture.
If you've been holding off on that Barcelona daybed, or on that pair of matched leather Womb chairs - NOW is the time!
What better way to lift the economy out of the mud than with the sheer force of the American public's need to buy things?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 572
13/02/2009 8:57 pm  

Over the other side of the po...
Over the other side of the pond has been hit very hard, countless companies going under, about 50 pubs going out of business a week, highest unemployment rate for 10 years etc etc. However, many modern dealers are doing very well, I had my best month in 3 years last month. Maybe people are buying up as an investment - Currently get around 1% interest in savings so it's maybe better to invest your money in (the right) design.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
13/02/2009 9:39 pm  

Who cares about candy bars.
The culture of consumerism must die.
The McMansion era has collapsed.
America needs to birth and innovate new industries to rebuild the nation.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
13/02/2009 10:12 pm  

As long as they pay well...
As long as they pay well enough to put food on the table at egregiously inflated prices. I don't see anything stimulating about a bill that's 60% government expansion and spending. Seems downright dishonest to portray it as a stimulus bill. But what do I know?
EDIT: And yes, this is a nation of consumers. And yes, that is not sustainable. But the problem of our continued progression toward consumerism is a direct result of production decreasing. And why is that? We(or should I say they, our government) hold our own companies to standards far above import companies through regulation and mandates.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
13/02/2009 10:26 pm  

It'll be interesting to see
if Knoll, Cassina, Fritz Hansen, Louis Paulsen, Artemide, Herman Miller, Kartel, Artfort and other higher end quality furniture and lighting companies will drop their prices in light of the lousy economy.
I read that Knoll was raising their prices.....they're asking for it, aren't they?

Illustrious Member
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13/02/2009 10:39 pm  

Is that why...
American cars are so great?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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13/02/2009 10:48 pm  

I didn't know Knoll's prices...
I didn't know Knoll's prices could get any higher. So it'll change the 10K sofa to a 14K sofa? Who cares, I wouldn'd spend that anyway .... might as well be a million.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
13/02/2009 10:59 pm  

I like American vehicles. I...
I like American vehicles. I like foreign vehicles. I like foreign vehicles produced in America. Citing the auto industry doesn't address the mass exodus of businesses across the board due to government feeling they should have a piece of and say in everything.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
14/02/2009 12:45 am  

You can thank the corporations for that. They are the ones who got their self-serving laws passed.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
14/02/2009 12:56 am  

sorry all.... the ...
sorry all....
the American Independent oil and gas industry which tries to sell 40 percent of all oil to America has all but collapsed.
You may read and say what do i care? , well when my industry looses 1 million workers oilfield workers they are not coming back so soon.
we get no bail out program, and in the end, you people will have higher oil prices, shoved down your throat,
This is not a major oil company hoak, this is a real problem, with nations not wanting to buy oil cause of no manufacturing, and US oil industry shutting
down. with little need for oil consumption,
It may be a short term problem for me and my company but the consequences will be felt by all people, once things get jump started.
Our country needs a Energy program, I cant see Obama doing much at this time with his plate loaded with bank bailouts and car bailouts, , I think he will support the Energy Industry when it comes back to $90 a barrel and every one is whining that gas is to high, and then the blame shifts to the Exxon profits ( by the way, Exxon does pay over 60% of all net profits to tax and is the single largest contributor to our Nations treasury.) when the real problems of Energy business could be fixed right now. kinda sad cause most folks are not informed. and love to blame the oil companies. when others are to blame.

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