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A step in the right...

A step in the right direction?  

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Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4586
14/03/2009 3:56 am  

The home looks fab, especially the smokin' staircase.

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2009 4:15 am  

you want hour home. . .to resemble a public building, in scale, appearance and amenities ? It appears, from the air, to completely devour its neighborhood.
There are some nice details, however.

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2009 4:29 am  

The crib wouldn't be my pick, but it is the most interesting abode in such a tacky "garage mahal" neighborhood. "Bad taste" is better than "no taste" ??

chewbacca rug (USA)
Noble Member
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14/03/2009 4:31 am  

did you see the rest of the homes in the neighborhood ?
devour away !!!

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2009 5:54 am  

"Form follows form"
in the age of neoformalism on steroids.
"Welcome to our form. Its not our house. Its our form."--John and Elinda Hollow

Eminent Member
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14/03/2009 4:59 pm  

Wretched excess
Or, perhaps, irrational exhuberance?

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2009 5:35 pm  

This home is fabulous
in an over-the-top Dubai kind of way. I'll bet the neighbors are pissed.

Famed Member
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14/03/2009 6:07 pm  

The staircase is beautiful but I think safety was sacrificed for looks. I wouldn't want that to be the functional staircase in my house.

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2009 6:10 pm  

I think it's amazing. It's si...
I think it's amazing. It's size is a bit ridiculous.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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14/03/2009 8:22 pm  

If this home was built upon a...
If this home was built upon a more bucolic beach side setting, ala Lautner, I could appreciate an extent, I do. In a high density neighborhood like this, it's too colossal. It's a shame really.
It's a hummer surrounded by Smart cars.
It's Rodney Dangerfield crashing the party in Caddy Shack.
While I like the underdog standing firm against the established status quo...this unjustly puts the pie in the face.
I agree with Mark and SDR that there are some excellent details. The nuanced oceanic references. The wood staircase is splendid, as is the lower level reception area with it's scalloped chandelier engulfing the ceiling.... delicately diffusing the light. The interior as a whole, I side with SDR...too institutional. The white staircase evokes a hotel or corporate lobby. I really like the illusion of the staircase disappearing into the water-like marble? floor, The kitchen...a cafeteria.
I guess a redeeming point would be that this is a home not so much to live in, but to entertain in.
The next James Bond nemesis will live here or the perfect 3rd home for a pro baseball player?

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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14/03/2009 8:27 pm  

Now I remember seeing this...
Now I remember seeing this form when I was a kid...Venetian blinds anyone?

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2009 12:22 am  

Overwhelmingly boring...
This sort of overly ornamented and accented architecture really does nothing for me. It's like architectural masturbation. It is to architecture what Steve Vai is to music or Panton is to design. Bore me.

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2009 7:35 pm  

I dinno, LunchPail
It's pretty rich. I've learned not to dislike things based on the subconscious realization that I would never be able to obtain them. This house is beautiful.
But, I hate it's context. I agree, it needs to stand alone somewhere less intrusive.

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2009 7:57 pm  

Frank L. Wright...
...said:"...if you make a mistake in architecture, you can always grow ivy on it. Knowing how fast things grow in K.L. I hope this will be overgrown fast. Unfortunately that's only a solution for the smallest part of the problem., but how do you cure the three generations that had this contraption build and what about the architects?

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1208
15/03/2009 10:26 pm  

Nope, Jake...
This house is a circus. So much going on that nothing is distinguishable.

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