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a six year journey

a six year journey  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
06/10/2009 8:41 am  

After six years of occasional inquiry, I will be receiving (for free) two Bertoia diamond chairs with full canary yellow pads. These chairs are in my childhood public library. I spent a good deal of time there, and my grandmother was a volunteer there as well, so I am very glad to be getting these. Although it's bittersweet because they are giving them to me, only because they are closing and going on to newer facilities. It makes me sad. I have such nice memories of the library, and I love it's interior as well. Shame.

Illustrious Member
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06/10/2009 9:14 am  

Keep the memories...
The nice thing with memories is that they improve over time. Unfortunately they do so, much faster than reality...

Illustrious Member
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06/10/2009 11:15 pm  

Well,now you have lovely mementos to live with and cherish
Great pieces,I'm sure.Anything else noteworthy about its interior?

Illustrious Member
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06/10/2009 11:23 pm  

Lucky for you . great ...
Lucky for you . great moments from childhood libraries are great. my library
had the small Bertoia chairs, and i remember them well.

Illustrious Member
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07/10/2009 2:06 am  

chairs and the hometown library was an old schoolhouse. It smelled like mildew and wood varnish and only had puritanical wood chairs meant to punish your behind. You def got the better deal!

Illustrious Member
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07/10/2009 8:26 am  

There is nothing extraordinary about the interior - but it is typical of it's time ... mid century. But, there are a few things about it I will always remember ... the large colorful paper mache' animals hanging from the ceiling, the enormous Victorian dollhouse full of figurines and furniture behind the glass case, the brick entry.
But there are several sofas and armchairs in there that look like Knoll - could be Steelcase. Unfortunately, they were recovered in the early 90s in a terrible floral.
I don't know how to tell what they are given this situation. I plan on asking them if they are going to auction them. I bet they'll go for a song.
The Steelcase sofa I have has a Knoll like base but the back legs are at an angle. The ones in the library are straight like a regular Knoll leg. However, I was told that the furniture in there was all acquired at different times from different libraries in the same district that remodeled. So just bc they have Bertoias doesn't mean the sofas/chairs are Knoll....

Illustrious Member
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07/10/2009 9:42 am  

And for the perfect finishing touch,
add a book truck, and a Kik-Step stool (one of the most perfect designs ever!).

Illustrious Member
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Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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07/10/2009 12:32 pm  

oooohhh...WHC is into role...
oooohhh...WHC is into role playing

Illustrious Member
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07/10/2009 6:36 pm  

I stand naked before you--
a lover of utilitarian library supplies.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
07/10/2009 7:48 pm  

I feel so appreciative...
I feel so appreciative already. If only I could also score a Knoll sofa, a card catalog, a stool, and some flat files...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
07/10/2009 10:33 pm  

I love those kik-stools!
Do you really want one? I can get you a vintage one quite easily.


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