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Is this site gettin...

Is this site getting boring?  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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15/05/2009 10:33 pm  

I re-read your post about clutter and honestly, I see no humor there at all.
I don't understand why us readers must study each posting to see if the post was meant to be serious or humorous. How about giving us a clue?
In the past I posted my livjng room and got a lot of people saying that I've got too much stuff and it looks cluttered.
Humorous or serious, it made be feel that the post was less than complementary.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
15/05/2009 11:02 pm  

More crying from...
More crying from Barry...
I knew he was kidding. How could this interior possibly be too cluttered??? But FYI, teary-eyed B, I love your interior. I think it is perfectly lived in. It's what I dig ... a warm, layered, classic modern.
Lunchbutt - the third is exciting too, brother. I was the third. And I completed everyone's life around me ;0
Riki - I think your place looks stellar. I have to respectfully disagree with whomever it was that preferred the paintings over the sofa. I love the one with the cross. It's pop, it's bright, and the cross is a culturally significant icon for your location. Nice!
If you do add text to the "word bubbles" you should use clean type, not brush strokes. Perhaps in the native tongue. Preferably phrases/words that are significant. Quotes from your favorite designers/architects/writers/historians/etc? Something elese relevant to your locale?
Excuse me, I have some poopy pants to attend to...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
16/05/2009 3:43 am  

I read it your mean reply
if you have a problem with my reaction, then it's too bad.
How dare you suggest that my reaction isn't a honest reaction and dare to call me names?
Some of you pretend to be funny with your non-humorous comments, and if I or someone else calls you out on it, you call us 'cry babys'.
You annoy me a hellava lot more than I annoy you, bub.
I'm getting sick of this forum with a few people making snotty comments then attacking anyone who reacts. This is NOT what this forum is all about.
I don't have the time or the interest to wade through statements that seem to be try to study them to figure out if you mean it or if you're trying to be funny. Funny, you're not.
This is directed specifically to whitespike who considers he or she to be primary in the 'good taste' police. Please pretend that I'm also a human being with some knowledge and treat me the way you think people should treat you.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1403
16/05/2009 4:16 am  

I think people have to...
I think people have to accept that written word 'sounds' different than when its spoken or thought about in ones own head.
One can try to imagine the others sensitivities, but text can and will always be differently interpretated. We are, ultimately, all different.
Apart from that, I think DA is a place that brings people together who have common interests. Why undermine this with responses that provoque the opposite?
Back to the thread please...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
16/05/2009 5:03 am  

"You annoy me a hellava lot m...
"You annoy me a hellava lot more than I annoy you, bub."
Ok, bub.
Did you catch the compliments that I was giving your home and your taste? Your place is lovely.
Either way, I don't want to hijack this thread with an argument. So you win!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
16/05/2009 5:39 am  

Barry, Open Mouth
Insert Foot.
The 'cluttered' comment was a reference to a past thread, which was in fact humorous, and involved Woody photoshopping elements out of a photo of a space. You can view the link below.
Seriously dude, even if one person is being blatantly offensive to another, let the other person respond. We're all grownups here, and we're all capable of defending ourselves. We don't need the PC police trolling the forum. If someone gets out of hand any one of us can turn to Patrick and Alex.
And really, you have eleven nelson clocks in your living room. How could that NOT be cluttered? (yes, that was me joking)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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16/05/2009 6:33 am  

More evidence...
Yes, boring.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
16/05/2009 6:49 am  

you're so off the mark. You haven't a clue what I'm referring to.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
16/05/2009 8:22 am  

I think the site is much the...
I think the site is much the same as its been for a long time, I called several times for fresh posters, which there now seems to be a few of, but I think we need to extend ourselves a bit, there must be some areas we havn't looked at too closely, design and computers again? Or myths about the design world?
Thanks for your interest Riki, I havn't become bored with design at all but have been concentrating on teaching myself craft skills in solid timber and buying new equipment ($$$$$, Jesus christ I wish I was a writer). This is now much more intersting to me than plywood, plastics and the (as I see it) obsessive need for tidiness and pseudo intellectual content of most of what passes for good products on design sites.
Anyway, I am making a sliding sled device for my router in order to flatten slabs of timber and am working on a copy of Wegners elbow chair, the CH20, I 'll post pictures if I'm happy with the result.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1403
16/05/2009 11:35 am  

Heath, I would love to see...
Heath, I would love to see the workshop, the things you make there and how you produce them.
I've come across some chairs designed by Tapiovara, made by Laukaan pu. He had unique sense of wood, especially the lighter ones (pine, birch,...). I'm really charmed with what I've become to know and would like to find more by him or other designers doing parallel things (I know, that must be the whole danish market almost, but still).

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
16/05/2009 11:59 am  

ha! It really is an awful mess and I would be very embarrased.
There are so many human artifacts there are lifetimes worth of study in all of them, what continues to amaze me is the real difficulty in producing some of the simplest looking objects, I chose the ch20 to copy becuase its one of the more basic Wegner chairs, I looked at 'the chair' and after trying to computer model it gave up after 2 hours, apparantly he was quite clever at designing jigs and other manufacturing aids which eliminated a lot of hand work, I'd love to see them but I doubt PP Mobler would be keen to show them off.
Where has azure chicken gone? He always added a spark, I'll never forget his 'do my panties match my sofa' line.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
17/05/2009 7:05 am  

Off the mark? I'm not sure you even know what country the mark is in. Watching you reply to postings is like watching a blind guy swing a baseball bat at a hockey game.
Take the following interaction (edited for time and content)
Woody (to Riki): your space looks cluttered. We need to photoshop some things out of it (referring to the thread "I hate Purple", in which Woody progressively photoshops objects out of a room until the room is pure white; link posted above)
Barry (missing the humor): He said the same thing about my space. I don't think it looks cluttered. (amping up the passive aggression) Some of us live in real spaces, not showrooms.
Woody: Dude, I was joking. Don't you remember the thread about the all white room? (again referring to the thread "I hate purple" in which Woody progressively photoshops objects out of a room until the room is pure white; link posted above)
Barry (clearly NOT remembering the thread): I don't understand why us readers must study each posting to see if the post was meant to be serious or humorous. How about giving us a clue? (also not remembering that Woody had, in fact, just given a clue about the thread "I hate purple" in which Woody progressively photoshops objects out of a room until the room is pure white; link posted above)
Woody: (astutely silent on the issue)
Enter a brief and charming dialogue between Barry and Whitespike in which they quaintly refer to each other as 'bub' and something is said about poopypants.
And, in order to keep this posting from being completely off topic, Riki, this site must be getting boring if we're resorting to dissecting dialogue between a group of people we can only assume are adults. By the way, love the paintings! For inspiration I would point you to Rothko, Joseph Albers, and even Jasper Johns 🙂

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
17/05/2009 7:37 am  

In answer to the original question, the answer would be
Y E S .
Wouldn't you say ?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
17/05/2009 8:42 am  

I would appreciate it if you drop the personal attacks
If there was humor to be seen, I wouldn't have reacted.
Enough already.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
17/05/2009 9:09 am  

I've always wanted to try my ...
I've always wanted to try my hand at making a faux Pollock. I love the guy. Seems a little harder to get right, but worth the effort. Another thing I like is over-scaled photography.

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