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saarinen base marki...

saarinen base markings  

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Modern Love
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10/03/2010 7:20 pm  

Now that I think about it
"Knoll Associates" is usually with the BR markings. By the time the company switched to "Knoll International", they must have switched to newer casts.

Bario Mellini
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10/03/2010 9:21 pm  

But ...
... Knoll International was established in 1951! See link

Modern Love
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10/03/2010 10:00 pm  

Established as a division of Knoll Associates, the labels did not change until 1969.
Yes, it's true Knoll International was formed in 1951, but it was formed as the international sales division of Knoll Associates.
Knoll Associates officially changed their name to Knoll International in 1969, after they purchased the European based Gavina Company.
I'll dig into my reference books for an explanation, back in 5 minutes.

Modern Love
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10/03/2010 10:21 pm  

Knoll Associates, Knoll International, Knoll Textiles
The story of the 3 Knolls (4 if you count Knoll Studio) can be found in the book Knoll Furniture, by Steven and Linda Rouland.
"Knoll International was formed in 1951 as a result of a United States State Department request to make furniture for American perosnnel stationed overseas.... A textile divition, called Knoll Textiles, was formed because Florence was not satisfied with available fabrics....
Hans died in a car accident in 1955 at the age of 41.... Florence Knoll was now the president of Knoll Associates, Knoll Textiles, and Knoll International. She continued to oversee the company's growth and development."
All see the link below:
"In 1969, the firm became Knoll International."

Bario Mellini
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11/03/2010 12:12 am  

Dear the_beloved.
The Knoll link says that Knoll International was "established" in 1951. Your IDSA link says that the firm became Knoll International in 1969. So who are you going to believe? Why Knoll of course, as far as I'm concerned!
But regardless. Are you also still saying that "Knoll Associates" chairs are usually made with the BR markings. But by the time the company switched to "Knoll International," they must have switched to newer casts.
So IAW you, Tulip chairs and stools manufactured after 1969 should not carry the BR markings! But they do IAW some of the posts.
Every one of us posters will eat crow now and then. I think that it's now your turn!

Modern Love
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11/03/2010 12:31 am  

Did you read what I wrote?
When did I ever disagree with you?
Look at this link from the Knoll website, tell me what the first sentence says right under the year 1969:

Trusted Member
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11/03/2010 1:43 am  

It is obvious from all of the postings that, depending on the period and/or location, the chairs/stools can have a multitude of markings. In fact, the new chairs offered by Knoll (according to the website) appear to have even more markings.
You mention the bases are black. For some reason, I thought they would all be aluminum underneath. It would be interesting if you could post a picture and dimensions. We know they made three colors: white, black, and putty (for a known period).
I will post the following dimensions later this evening:
Height of the tulip base (excluding the cushion);
Diameter of the base;
Diamter of the neck (where the base abutts the seat);

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11/03/2010 5:23 am  

Fungus Mungus markings
Thank you for posting the picture. I have noticed they all have the same mechanism, specifically:
There is one hole through which a rod is placed, held in place by a o-ring or washer. All of my stools also have this.
I am very interested in the markings that are on the base. What do they say (I can't quite make it out).
Additionally, do you know if any of the stools/chairs are marked on the rim?
My stools all have a "lip" on the base.
My dimensions:
Height: from the bottom of the base to the top of the tulip is 13.5"
Circumference of the base: 42.5"
Circumference of the top of the tulip (where the base meets the seat bottom): 18.5"
My guess is that there will variation, depending on where/when the stools were mfg'd.
If you have the label present, and it has a date, it would be great to see the date and dimensions.

Reputable Member
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29/11/2010 5:04 pm  

Is this one authentic?
Im pretty familiar with the br51/br50 and got two older stools with that, i recently purchased this tulip chair from a couple that came from france, they said that it was knoll and they purchased it there.
when i bought it at the tim didnt know the way to look for authenticity.
just know the right shapes of the seat which many knock offs dont get right.
anyway let me know what you think.... heres some pics
(there is a knoll sticker on it but that doesnt say much, there is also a stamp dated 1978 and a control1 marking)
also i replaced the original circle* velcro strips


Illustrious Member
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29/11/2010 5:11 pm  

My stool
indeed is marked BR51. It is bizarre that Knoll didn't mark these pieces since Burke and other companies started making imitations almost immediately.....

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29/11/2010 5:17 pm  

isnt that so odd?
it is french? would there be a difference
control is also spelt controle* i just noticed
Maybe it was because over there the modern competition didn't start happening till these days with vitra and the many other companies that produce iconic rip offs
But i have been studying the chair and everything about it looks right, minus the fact there are no bottom markings....
but all the shaping and lighting it has a right.

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29/11/2010 5:18 pm  

vitra is not an rip off company**
they are authentic, but there are many many look a-likes these days.

Illustrious Member
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10/12/2012 6:37 am  

Having a little
moment--I just snagged 8, yes, eight, Saarinen stools marked BR 51 out of, wait for it, a prison in South Carolina for 35 USD each.
I'm thinking of recovering them in hide and putting them in the chalet. Go, me.

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11/12/2013 5:06 am  

your stamp
Hello! I am wondering about this stamp you have. There is a set I am considering to buy with this same stamp, but no other identifying marks. What do you know about this? Where did you buy your stools? I just want to make sure they are not repros because they need a lot of work.

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05/08/2016 11:21 pm  

Hi all, thanks for all the info above. I'm trying to tell if this set of 4 tulip arm chairs is authentic and they don't seem to have any of the markings or stamps previously mentioned so I'm thinking they may not be. Can you all take a look at these photos and let me know what you think? The only marking on them is under the base and I can't tell exactly what it says. Looks like maybe 4 digits and then 2 digits below, one of them being an "X". Any help greatly appreciated!

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