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reveneering cado  

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14/11/2013 12:55 am  

I would just sell them not in a dealing aspect, but in an aspect to have exactly what you want. They are not going to be worth as much altered. I'm sure someone out there might even consider trading you for teak ones.
Some people prefer light, some people prefer dark, and as much as that is ok and to each his own, refinishing rosewood panels in my opinion would be mid century blasphemy.
I wouldn't prefer rosewood panels myself either, HOWEVER, even to have a set of cado shelves I would take them in baby poop green. I don't think reveneering them is a costly or really sensible decision when I'm sure someone would LOVE to have the original rosewood. Either by selling them, or finding someone to trade you. Plus you could have them close to immediately and without any money spent. Easy.

Illustrious Member
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14/11/2013 4:42 am  

He-LLO . . .
Whut SHE said. Oh, and her, too . . .
(How do I make italics with this typewriter ?)

Illustrious Member
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14/11/2013 4:44 am  

rockland wins.
Aunt Mark

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14/11/2013 5:32 am  

by a nose! Or two noses. Or three.
Seriously, don't ruin them just because you'd prefer something light in color. You don't want teak? There's not a lot else out there, no? Sell the rosewood and have someone make you an oak unit and then give it a pigmented white soap finish. It'd be stunning...

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14/11/2013 1:28 pm  

the cat who smokes danish modern
Hi Leif.
I like good lines, and this one easily was the best of the week! What a laugh we had with my wife! And be honored because you had a tough oponent: i'm currently reading "Maximum Bob", and Elmore Leonard sure knew how to spread good lines.
+Lit Up: Though I understand and share your opinion that a rosewood panel can be too overwhelming, the advices fellow forumers gave you are the right ones: trade the panels and make a win-win bargain, and/ or make build an oak panel from scratch, but don't strip such a piece of rare species wood that someone would sure be happy to have as it is.

Lit Up
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14/11/2013 2:55 pm  

as leif says, I'll smoke my panels if I want to.
sorry if that's a "mid mod blasphemy" I guess the mid mod god will be sending me straight to hell.
Moreover these things really aren't that rare. Otherwise you all wouldn't have a set.

Robert Leach
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14/11/2013 3:12 pm  

I look forward to seeing your efforts

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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14/11/2013 3:49 pm  

Well since you are going to...
Well since you are going to Hell anyway maybe you'd care to explore a little on the way down to the nether regions. And take a camera, we'd all be delightedly horrified to see some snappies. And take some light reading; may I suggest a classic: Dante. It'll brighten your mood to match your panels after they stick you upside down in a hole and singe off both soles.
A leper I once knew--he realized the Round Chair chair has too much street clearance, and low-rider'ed that bad boy to 6 inches off his shag, but Wegner sits on God's right he chose the punishment meted to the infraction--suggested to me that 2 part wood bleach is guaranteed to bring light into the darkest room. A trick he said he learned from Lucifer himself who uses it to enlighten our dark minds.

Illustrious Member
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14/11/2013 4:58 pm  

oh my god....
Aunt Mark

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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14/11/2013 5:33 pm  

Just dug up the recipe Ol'...
Just dug up the recipe Ol' Stumpy scribbled on a bourbon stained napkin of his nearest off-the-shelf approximation of mind-bright that will turn your rosewood a lily white:
Red Devil Lye from the hardware store, which is, he said, sodium hydroxide, and 35% hydrogen peroxide from the health food store. Apply one, then the other.
So he says: Lucifer's favored application is to drip them in your ear. But then I think maybe that was a metaphor.

Illustrious Member
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14/11/2013 5:37 pm  

You are bad.

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14/11/2013 6:29 pm  

I almost feel like
this is a sick joke to get everyone to start a MCM riot and start bashing each others heads in with cado panels. At this point, do what you want with them, I think it would be an absolute shame to see an ORIGINAL piece be compromised just because you don't want a certain color. This situation makes no sense, and thankfully I will not be present to witness this. I would be flatlined for sure.

Illustrious Member
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14/11/2013 6:49 pm  

: )
Well, you have been given advice, and you can do whatever you want as they are yours. You only have the panels? No shelves at all?
I did not use all my panels as they had ghost bleaching and holes were made for switches and outlets...and i have wood walls existing.
It isn't necessarily difficult to veneer, just tricky and not a fun job. Delivery/ pick-up, veneer, stain, seal...gets expensive. Possibly more than you would pay for a full unit that you really want.
So you have some chipboard panels and the only value is the veneer that you don't like and want to cover and don't really care about the hole runs for the pegs. Sounds like you've got an elephant in your room.
Nice link anyway...

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