Design Addict


redoing the aluniu...

redoing the alunium group  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
11/08/2007 9:55 pm  

One of the biggest request that we have here at Retro Redo is can you redo the Aluminum group chair
The answer is yes but we can not do the fusing like Herman miller did
What we do is machine sew the bellows and they look great. We have done 10 since the beginning of the month.
For some reason these chairs come in cycles . We will get questions from people wanting to redo the aluminum group , the Eames lounge chair, and of course The shells come to the shop literly by the truck load,
I had a customer who sent in 4 aluminum chairs with the star base and he wanted them high polished We have always had them in the satin finish from the factory like they were done 50 years ago.
I sent them out to a local polisher for 100 chair, and i have to say they came back smoking they were really cool and a good look, I never realized that Aluminum would shine like chrome but this old boy for 100 chair put the industrial brushes and they look great so just remember if you want them real shinny take them to a automotive repair with the high speed buffers,


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