Design Addict


red chair  


Illustrious Member
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26/09/2007 1:00 am  

I was just looking through one of the new magazines that i get every month.
this one is mens voque and in a ad
for Ameriprise Financial they are using a Eames DCW Red chair for the ad campaign.
I thought this was interesting cause at the bottom they have a little red chair and it says to find out more about the red chair go to ,

It also says in fine print Ameririse financial is pleased to be using an authentic Eames DCW manufactured by Herman Miller , courtesy
Eames office llc,

My first question is Why????
for years ads have featured every chair from the Womb,to the Lounge chair to Barcelona chairs .
Why now is this disclosure necessary and what does it mean and why did they need to bring the Eames Office in , when they could have gotten a chair from a prop studio or Herman Miller would have loaned them one,
I find this strange and worth bringing up .
what do you think? or what is the deal?

Illustrious Member
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26/09/2007 1:56 am  

Perhaps, because.....
Is it possible that they got some financial support by giving the chair credit....or is it also possible that Herman Miller is now requiring this credit?

Noble Member
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26/09/2007 1:58 pm  

red chair fade away
It's actually kinda of nice to see. I know if I saw a chair like that in an ad and didn't know what it was or where to find one, it would frustrate the hell out of me and probably become a lifelong quest to identify and locate the damned thing. Actually, this kind of thing does happen to me, quite often.

Illustrious Member
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26/09/2007 11:14 pm  

I can't
resist the temptation to post a graphic I did that includes a red DCW.
This image is a c 5" x 8" photocopy of a collage of photographed objects, colored with spray paint using paper templates. The table is a 3' model in oak; the construction at right is a particle-board building-module model, and the chair is an upholstered DCW I found and photographed at a local collectables shop. I never got around to making a glass or acrylic panel for the table, so it was necessary to conjure one with white paint for this image.
Let's hope HM doesn't come after me. . .!

Illustrious Member
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27/09/2007 12:43 am  

i appreciate what every on...
i appreciate what every one is saying and all the neat experiences, I am still wondering what the red DWC is all about?
Miller could not want credit cause they like lots of other companies spend great deals of money on product placement movies, t.v. film,print, so to have the Eames office come into the ad makes no sense to me, other than they it might be a way to stir some charitable contributions to their foundation,

Illustrious Member
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27/09/2007 9:29 am  

I've seen these ads and have been pleased to see the little Eames chair kicking about.
I believe the answer to your question LRF is that Ameriprise is using the chair as a metaphor. If memory serves the ads always mention something about retiring, and dreams and how dreams are powerful. The Eames chair came about from dreams, from the virtual nothingness of the Neutra apartment. It is also a symbol that many of the baby-boomers reaching retirement age can relate to - that funny chair that they grew up with. Its a way of one company aligning themselves with the symbolism inherent in the Eames designs - that ability to transcend the ordinary and soar into the cultural consciousness.
at least thats my take on it anyway. Any marketing gurus want to weigh in?

Illustrious Member
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27/09/2007 4:51 pm  

Some points of view
1st, I/we would like too see the ad. To understand exactly what are you talking about.
But I found the link below.
I would see this from two or three different points of view.
First point view
Although I,m usually too distrusted, I would be near a more professional (advertisers/film makers/graphic designers) points of view. And Although I,m nothing of all this, Palermo Viejo, the neighborhood in which I work, have been "invaded" by international films/commercial/ad makers from all over the word, so I could learn a bit about this "world", that I found closer to design, but seen from other corner.
The art director send the art director assistant in "scouting" to search/find objects (a lamp/a chair/a vase/ a tv, etc) that fits with the AD,s idea and what the product wants to transmit, to show, to say.
I didin,t saw the ad, but I found the links below, and in them, I would say,
You asked:
,,,,Why now is this disclosure necessary and what does it mean and why did they need to bring the Eames Office in?,,,,
I don,t know, if you see the above link.., it,s very clear?
It,s very nice the comparison with the other chairs they used,
The too outdated chair, the too unstable, the too short term.
And then,
The RED CHAIR seem to be the one that better fits
And ended with an afroamerican woman not seated, stand on one, above all?
Look how ,,,your dreams,,,, are in red to link it with ,,,,the red chair,,,,
See that they say RED CHAIR and not as you said Eames DCW Red chair, they want to security not chairs.
And I would add here all what Lucifersum said.
Why a chair?, may be it transmited the idea of seating..relaxing and waitng for the money?
Second point of view:
How much?, How much does Eames Office get?
They usually pay 30% 50% of the price as a rent (to take a picture) for 3-6 days.
But forr rare or unique pieces they could pay a fortune, some items don,t have price.
And on the other hand, for instance, I heard that TV plasma or some luxurious items don't want to get money. (promotion itself for them it,s more benefit than too little cash).
Or what ever could be. They provably made some arrangement because you said they putted:
You asked why they say:
It also says in fine print Ameririse financial is pleased to be using an authentic Eames DCW manufactured by Herman Miller , courtesy
Eames office llc,,,,,,
They only show the chair, and provably that,s the retribution.
((((They say this because 90% of the rest they use are repros. (I perfectly know that). Well they ONLY put ONE chair. (In other locations they need 200 - 5000 objects, a lot of money).))))

Illustrious Member
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27/09/2007 4:53 pm  

3rd point of view
As distrusted as I am, and as I been influenced by Noami Klein,s no logo, brands don?t give free space. May be you,re right. But in design wasn,t like that yet, but provably will.
But In the link below, I really see that the man in the light blue background would wait his financial security seated in no other chair than in a RED CHAIR.
Look at the man,s face and the chair:
and then
See yourself in The Red Chair:

Illustrious Member
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27/09/2007 5:06 pm  

Lucifersum / SDR
Lucifersum, I wrote this before your answer, you are right, Americans could find too much connections between the chair and the ,,Dream Pack Track,,
An american
SDR, I like the collage, and I like the table, I also liked your signature-logo SDR in Squares.

Noble Member
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28/09/2007 3:22 am  

Could also be that the star...
Could also be that the star of many of the ads, Dennis Hopper, who I understand loves modern designs, wanted the chair and a blurb about it chucked into the ad.
Stranger things have happened.

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29/09/2007 1:10 am  

Similar Problems!
I agree, Finch: I can't stand to see a gorgeous piece in a print ad (don't get me started on online ones) only to become obsessed with finding out who made it! I've been known to contact publishers, edits, writers -- it's serious business.

Illustrious Member
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29/09/2007 4:30 am  

i agree with everyone
.........But don't you think it would be a little silly to say Car by Range Rover, shoes by Gucci, sunglasses by rayban, in just a simple ad,
Now when you read Vogue or GQ or any of the fashion mags they always list the items in there fashion shoes and stories but ads?????? something is wrong with that!!!!

Illustrious Member
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29/09/2007 4:32 am  

fashion shoots slip of the ...
fashion shoots slip of the hand,

Illustrious Member
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29/09/2007 10:55 am  

Thanks, Gustavo.


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