The rods
On the Vitra base are thicker than the original, so maybe that's what makes it look a bit off. Again, my best advice would be to go to a local dealer and compare, or contact Vitra / HM with respect to any distinguishing characteristics.
Also, can you tell if the bikini is real leather?
It is difficult to be sure, but it probably doesn't matter.
I bought an Eames plastic side chair with the Eifel base on eBay and the light blue shell has the Vitra imprint (in keeping with the original auction ad), so the shell is right.
However, the very sturdy, beautifully made Eifel base is not automatically real or original. it probably is, but none of the bases have any marks, so it could've been a marriage.
Bottom line, it works, looks good and is 100% sturdy, so I'm happy...but it's very difficult to substantiate it's proper vintage and maker.
as you can see in the photos, the bikini is missing the threaded "hoop" to attach the button to.
i am no seamstress, but i was wondering anyone has any instructions on how to fix this
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