Design Addict




Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
20/09/2010 9:10 pm  

Thank you Craigslist! This weekend I sold three chairs and an extra rocker base that was taking up room. While I loved each piece, it's amazing how much better you feel after letting go of the things you do not truly use.

Craigslist giveth and Craigslist taketh away. most of these deals I get are on CL to begin with and end up going bye-bye the same way they arrived. The beauty is getting to enjoy the items for a little while. Then they either become something you use or something you don't.

And if you don't need them you can let them go to another appreciate soul.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
20/09/2010 9:54 pm  

Declutter and be happy
I'm a huge fan of a simple, uncluttered existence. People regularly ask me if I have a storage locker somewhere with all my junk in it. Nope, I don't have junk. If I don't use it I off-load it.
If you have something that you can't find a home for via CL or similar, and it's not particularly valuable, consider Freecycle (it is a worldwide organization). I have found it to be a wonderful resource. When we moved into our new house I was even able to get free composting worms! I've given and gotten quite a bit through Freecycle over the years and I think it's a wonderfully useful website!

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3212
20/09/2010 9:57 pm  

is alive and well in the UK 🙂

Famed Member
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Posts: 367
20/09/2010 10:43 pm  

my CL success story
I haven't bought too much on CL but recently I had an MCM sale that I advertised there and I got rid of 2 rooms' worth of smalls and furniture and netted $2000! It was all stuff that I didn't need, didn't use, and pretty much didn't want and that my grown kids didn't want. I had to clear out in preparation for moving, which is kinda tough--but that two grand really helped me to get over any regrets.
I still have too much stuff, but that's another story.
Love, love, LOVE Freecycle, though it kinda drives me nuts when they change their minds and don't show up. My best FC story: gave away a 50s era optometric exam chair to a darling young woman who is going to surprise her boyfriend with it. It weighed many hundreds of pounds and she had to hire two burly moving men to get it out of the office even when disassembled. She was ecstatic to get it. (And I actually had quite a few other people who were interested in it!)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
20/09/2010 11:28 pm  

The concept of freecycle is great
But dealing with the people is the biggest pain in the ass.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
21/09/2010 1:04 am  

Well...yeah, there is that.
I always state that I have a one strike rule and if you don't show up when you say you will it goes to the next person on the list! If the item is small I also just seal it in a ziplok and leave it outside until claimed...theft not being a big issue where I am.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 627
21/09/2010 6:23 am  

I wonder if hoarders are Freecycle's most ardent users
I caught part of a "Hoarders" episode last night-- a hoarder dude actually tried using the "I'm trying to save this from landfill" gambit, in defense of his tottering piles of crap.
Why piles of unused crap are more wholesome when they reside in ones living room, as opposed to the local dump, he didn't explain.


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