Design Addict


prouve perriand jea...

prouve perriand jeanneret  


shipwright (UK)
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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 331
14/04/2011 4:40 am  

spent the afternoon in the company of the works of Jean Prouve, Charlotte Perriand and Pierre Jeanneret at Galerie Patrick Seguin in Paris. A vast New York Style gallery, with no more than a dozen pieces on display. It was inspiring to be able to closely examine the pieces. They have the desk that belonged to Pierre Jeanneret, cousin and working partner to Le Courbusier. Perhaps there is a down side in respect of the furniture that is being traded that originates in Chandigargh, that has been highlighted in previous posts here. Still a great gallery and a great site.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
14/04/2011 5:30 am  

yes -- more drunky double posting. Hi, Heath . . .

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
14/04/2011 5:30 am  

Yummy !
Thanks. I'm sure the real thing was even better than the pictures . . .

shipwright (UK)
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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 331
14/04/2011 2:16 pm  

however much i enjoy a picture of a piece there is always the seductive element of the fetishizing of the object, like any promotional intent, when you have the opportunity of an encounter in the flesh, the rawness of the materials, the reality of the piece is always so much more down to earth especially if you get to sit in the chair or at the table, open the drawer, or cupboard, listen to the sounds and feel of a piece and get to experience the thing as it was meant to be used. Then if you happen to own something, there's nothing like having to repair or clean it to really get to know the mind of the person who designed it.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
14/04/2011 4:21 pm  

Hi Stephen, I almost wish...
Hi Stephen, I almost wish good wine wasn't so cheap at the moment...
Agree with Shipwright, years ago the 100 masterpieces Vitra exhibition came here and I was amazed at how little everything seemed, product photographers somehow make things seem so dominating.


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