Please assure my wife that I didnt just go nutso spending "over double" what she spen on our crappy wayfair coffee table! I don't know much about this table other than I love it!
Edit: also I put teak oil on it, should I polish the brass or leave the patina? Patina righ? I am going to keep this, but want to keep it as true collectable as possible. <img class="wpforo-default-image
Nice pickup. Not sure if I would have advertised that it was available at an estate sale before I actually bought it, but it seems to have worked out for you. Go to and check the sold listings for this table. That should make your wife feel better. I think many of those sales would have been to dealers, who would then relist for even more.
Oh yeah, terrible deal. I'll take it off your hands though. Even pay shipping! Then you won't have to face the lack of resale value in your wayfair table. No harm no foul.
Oh, and it is teak. And don't polish the brass. Don't even breath on it. Get coasters. And implement a barefoot rule in the house so some redneck doesn't lean back in the Nanna Ditzel and rough his clodhoppers into a nice groove on it. And go find your insurance policy and read the paragraph you never read about replacement of contents.
The underside certainly appears rosewood-y. It's possible that they used whatever was on hand in the "unworthy" pile as a counter-veneer or that they made panels two-sided to match components of either variety depending on orders.
"Teak" oil on rosewood won't do any harm. Properly applied, it comes off pretty easily anyway.
cdsilva: yeah I couldn't sleep last night. Fortunately I knew from previous experience that NOBODY in my area uses this site.
Lief: Thanks for your imput. I am so bad with wood grains. I thought this was teak the whole time, but that underside and the support piece looked different to me.
When I went there this item was still remaining and attributed to "Afdal" and there two Peter Pepper tables attributed to Paul McCobb. I told the lady in charge (it is a guy who runs the sale) that he should be more careful with his ID's and that this bench was not Afdal and those tables were not Paul McCobb. She curtly told me that the guy running the estate is a Certified Appraiser that specializes in Mid Century.
Well worked for me this time.
Oh, and I have a newfound appreciation for lane tables. Apparently to certain people they are a sort of currency. They will barter valuable Lane tables for lousy danish tables by the like of Børge Mogensen. I know this from personal experience with my Mogensen for Søborg coffee table.
I bet you can barter Lane Acclaim for Finn Juhl too!
I've purchased only three Lane items over the years: 1) two-tiered round Acclaim table, 2) Circular Acclaim extension table with four chairs, and 3) basic square end table with cane shelf.
All three sold fairly quickly for 8-10 times was I bought them for. It is a strange kind of currency.
Another by the way: I bet the wooden feet on this table are attached in the same manner as the Aasbjerg Langbord coffee table (with steel legs and teak feet). If you think about it, it is rather a tricky proposition figuring out how to attach a foot to a steel tube. The problem is that the wooden foot changes diameter all the time, but the steel tube does not, and you don't want the feet just falling out when they shrink up. So the naive solutions of glue or a tight fit are out...
But there is a very clever and simple trick that Aasbjerg used to keep the feet in place.
Edit: tktoo: it is very courteous of you to suggest that you might be wrong now and have been wrong in the past. But wholly unnecessary. The gods are not fooled. I embrace my roll as chihuahua. I don't like painted wood either so I am hoping to gnaw or claw the paint off the legs on the Steinway. I think it will be an improvement. My own little contribution. Unfortunately it won't help the problem when HouseKebab tries to taps out "Money for Nothing" on it.
I have noticed the Lane Acclaim as currency thing in my experience as a collector. Same with Brasilla by Broyhill. A lady was looking for a Brassilatable and chairs a while back , willing to spend around $1,000. We found her a Kent Coffee Prespecta set for less, and she wasn't interested because it wasn't Brasillia.
I will take more pics when I get home from work. This was literally a lunch break purchase.
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