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Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
15/04/2011 6:10 pm  

Anyone here feel the pain? I don't mind buying in bulk so its not too bad but usually the recipes or quantity and size of things doesn't suit, and theres waste, which I hate. With ever increasing numbers of single households its not really working, bloody nooclear families.


Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
15/04/2011 11:53 pm  

Yes recipes are a pain for...
Yes recipes are a pain for singles. Leftovers, it's a reality singles must endure. I like keeping it simple at home. Extravagance for when I eat out or holidays. Some simple stove-top ideas, swordfish (or any fish) with a side of rice and asparagus. Chicken with boiled gold potato's and broccoli. Add some light garnishes like nuts, basil etc and dull tasting carrots can be sweeten with grade A pure maple syrup. Prepped fruits and salads are great. Quick and easy, and can last 3 plus days. Pasta is nice, left overs for lunch the next day. I usually spend 30 minutes a night making dinner. Which is nothing really. Then left overs for lunch the next day or evening if I'm busy.
Important tip. Be mindful when cooking and clean-up and you go along. You'll be left to enjoy the remainder of the evening carefree.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3499
16/04/2011 12:18 am  

Oh to be single
I love my family, but when single I actually did clean as I went. Now a futile effort!

Famed Member
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Posts: 318
16/04/2011 12:21 am  

Being single has its...
Being single has its challenges, Health, but it's so worth it.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
16/04/2011 1:14 am  

Coffee for one
Coffee for one

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1274
16/04/2011 1:21 am  

I thought a 12 ounce french...
I thought a 12 ounce french press was coffee for one... That just looks like "one cup of coffee".

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
16/04/2011 1:22 am  

Digging into details, could...
Digging into details, could it be that Dr. Drip, as a whole, is more of a waste than making 2 cups via percolator using bulk purchased grounds?
Like people who use disposable paper plates for every meal instead of long term use ceramics. Or even low impact recycleable plastics...which also get some level of disdain from me.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
16/04/2011 2:43 am  

I use a 2 cup Bodum plunger m...
I use a 2 cup Bodum plunger most of the time, just drink both cups or fill it with less problem there. Actually Once I've finished a few of these vacuum sealed bricks of ground am gong to start buying beans, can you still get hand grinders?
Yeah, have to get used to cleaning up as I go, I can divide a recipe by 4 or 2 but really I just eat all of it, got one of those metabolisms most people would kill for but think I'm pushing it.
Any product examples? I imagine most singles live in smaller places, anyone find sofas too big or anything like that?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
16/04/2011 5:58 am  

hand coffee mill
I like the Ulbaldo Piazza, pear-wood coffee mill for Alessi Twergi. It is discontinued, but I see them on eBay on an irregular basis and they are slow sellers. In other words they are low priced.

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 353
17/04/2011 4:29 pm  

eeewww to coffee :p I have...
eeewww to coffee :p I have a coffee maker that is shoved to the back of one of my cabinets. It only ever comes out if I have company who actually drinks coffee 😀


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