LRF... are you talking about...
LRF... are you talking about the screen type concrete blocks? If so, I vaugely recall this being discussed here on the forum. You can also refer to the winter 2007 issue of Atomic Ranch, pg 90. They suggest trying:
Tankersley Concrete
Superlite Block
Basalite Concrete Products
Angelus Block Co.
perhaps these would work?
Lloyd, I am not certain what you are requesting. But, in the event that you want some eye candy these might be worth considering.
By the way - GREAT Job on your house.
It is looking terrific. If I was not so painfully aware of the amount of time, labor, and sweat you have into a project of this magnitude I would be jealous; as it is, I am merely covetous.
Please keep the photos coming. You provide me vicarious design and renovation without all the clean up and muscle aches.
flicker group
i discovered a flickr group devoted to this very thing: "concrete block walls and architecture" [see link below].
i suppose if you had a workable design, a good, usable form, a quality mud recipe and a heaping mound of patience, you could just create your own!
here's a link to someone else's search
you might need to read through this link's thread first, but it looks like these people found a place called Featherlite in the Austin area.
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