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pk sofa  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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30/04/2008 4:01 am  

I saw that this was for sale on ebay

Kjaerholm 3 seat PK-31 Sofa $2300.00 or make offer

description & materials

* soft quality Italian leather with solid polished bar steel frame. extremely comfortable sit and stylish classic design.
* color: tan leather (only color available with immediate delivery)
* inspired by and originally designed by poul kjaerholm in 1958

* dimensions (inches):
* 3 seat: 78L 30H 30D

260234842253 ebay number

Yes I know this is a reproduction and we all hate reproductions but.... if you wanta PK 31 sofa that more than likely would fool an expert cause not that many have really seen the 12,000 dollar original this one is pretty good, He also sells the clocks that we like and a just bought a block clock for 100. from him

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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30/04/2008 4:09 am  

I emailed him yesterday
asking him how the quality compares to the Hansen original, and thus far, no reply.
If he wants a sale, he can be honest.....

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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30/04/2008 4:33 am  

Sorry guys, but I would respectfully have to disagree with you when you say:
"if you wanta PK 31 sofa that more than likely would fool an expert...."
When that popped up on eBay, it definitely did not fool me, and I am certainly not an expert. I could tell it was a knock-off even just by looking at the tiny gallery picture.
The big giveaway: it's overstuffed....way overstuffed!
The second giveaway (when I took a closer look), the shiny chrome metal.
Looks like a copy, of a copy. Or the manufacturer guess-timated the proportions and dimensions from a photo, rather than working with an original sample.
Compare with real:

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
30/04/2008 4:47 am  

its funny isn't it? I dislike...
its funny isn't it? I dislike these rip off merchants even more becuase they can't get it right, design is obviously not what they're in it for.
How hard is it to get an original and work from that? Anyone working from an orginal should be able to get something virtually indistinguishable, FH even give away cad files!

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2008 4:48 am  

Cant even tell
So what if its overstuffed! Who would ever even know?
ps. I'm being sarcastic.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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30/04/2008 4:52 am  

In this case I would understand....
if this manufacturer couldn't get an original, because getting an original FH PK sofa would be a big big big investment.

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2008 4:58 am  

If you do get it Barry everything can be fixed except for the bending strength of the steel, you could get it re-plated, pull stuffing out, get new arms made up but, even new covers to a better quality but the critical thing is the steel, if thats nasty its a total waste of money.
If its not sprung or the right grade expect to find yourself a few inches closer to the floor after a while.
...actually from the photo the steel looks much much thicker, yuck yuck yuck

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2008 5:34 am  

Even tho I've discussed it alot,
I hesitate to buy a knockoff sofa just like everyone else on this forum.
But, honestly, if you bought the knockoff the $1700 and had it redone properly (assuming that the frame was OK), you could restore the knockoff to the look of the PK original for less than 1/3rd of the price to buy a real one!
And that's what's so frustrating...$1700 vs. $20000.
Let's say you were in the market for a Saarinen Tulip chair or an Eames Lounge chair and ottoman. The price difference between the real one and the knockoffs AREN'T as dramatic as $1700 vs. $20000!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
30/04/2008 6:26 am  

pk 31 has never been my ...
pk 31 has never been my first choice for a sofa so i am no expert on that sofa
The Womb and Eames lounge i consider my self more than knowledgeable about cause we have redone so many
I think they just have a fakey look about them
I dont like the way the womb looks cause it too looks a little overstuffed, and so does the Eames lounge
That is funny cause it cost money to over stuff chairs, at least 100 bucks more, so the Chinese have it backwards
that rosewood on the lounge , i just don't know about it it looks to perfect for me, or almost not real.

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2008 7:19 am  

the veneer may be a product like 'eveneer' or another reconostituted veneer, increasingly common in shop fitouts and reception desks, fine a in small areas but over a large expanse it looks awful. The rosewood especially, I've got samples of it though the teak isn't bad.
Its also very brittle and thin.
Can you inspect this sofa in person Barry? You can download specs from FH and get to work with a tape measure, if they've got everything else wrong they probably got the frame dimensions wrong too.
Oh! You mean the lounge above, thats a 3ds max model I'm pretty sure, the bloated leather is a cgi effect.

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2008 7:22 am  

Nope, dammit, if I buy one,
it would be a blind internet purchase....strictly a blind purchase.
Since the guy who's listing it hasn't bothered to reply to my prespective questions, I won't be buying one from him.

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2008 10:02 am  

barry i bought a 100 blo...
barry i bought a 100 dollar block clock and he sent it right away and responded.
i too asked him about the womb chair and have not heard from him.
i guess the 100 dollar clock takes presence's

Famed Member
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03/05/2008 11:17 am  

So does anyone know why PK designs are soooooooo astronomically higher in price than any other designs out there? Like 4 times more than even other high end designs and the designs themselves don't see to have super difficult or tricky construction or outrageous amount of expensive materials used, in fact some are so minimal looking. Are all other designs from the same manufacturer in the same price range or just his designs?

Famed Member
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03/05/2008 11:20 am  

I forgot to add that I TOO asked about the quality and didn't get any response at all. I did ask him where the pieces are made and he said various factories in China. That he answered but not the question on quality, everyone seems to get the silence treatment form them when they raise the quality question.

Noble Member
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03/05/2008 1:08 pm  

I imagine these sofas are so...
I imagine these sofas are so expensive for a few reasons. First, they're probably not in high demand, so there's a small and exclusive audience. Also, the materials, including the steel; this is spring steel with hand beveled edges. Someone more informed can probably chime in and correct me if I'm wrong about this.

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