Design Addict


old chair  


New Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1
14/08/2009 6:09 pm  

need information on an old chair and a free online appraisal cant seem to figure out how to attach a photo in the associated web images dialog box

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
14/08/2009 7:23 pm  

Need to upload
The photo file to the web first. And then paste the URL for the photo file into the field below.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
14/08/2009 9:35 pm  

This website really isn't...
This website really isn't about free appraisals. No one here is licensed to do such a thing. We are a community of design addicts - particularly of the modernist type. The typical banter here is reserved for talking about the designs, rather than their monetary values (although, when it specifically is referring to a modern design, that does come up at times).
How old is the chair in question? What style?
You can open a free account at Under the photo you upload to your account there, there will be a set of four codes you can copy and paste into the associated web images box. I believe the code I use is the "direct link" code.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 572
14/08/2009 10:25 pm  

I have noticed a large...
I have noticed a large increase in new members signing up to the forum to get a 'free ID or valuation'. Obviously we all welcome new members but it is getting a little tedious when people are registering to get their info, then disappear without trace. Of course, if you contribute to the forum I am sure there wouldn't be any complaints! Sorry for the moaning but I am emailed so much furniture thoughout the day asking for free advice, the last thing I want to see on my fav forum is more of the same!!
R.E an appraisal, try your local auction house.
As Whitespike says, photobucket is the best free photo hosting site in my opinion.


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