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A necessary evil???

A necessary evil???  

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Ark of Decorati...
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31/07/2010 7:35 am  

The Golden rule
Thank you for your decent reply. I believe this is a modern approach to the typical extension cord. It is truly just an accessory and nothing more. This is not in the same league as Herman Miller, Knoll, Fritz Hansen or any other furniture maker. I am grateful that you do not have to resort to foul and abusive language as does Lunchbox who only continues to demonstrate a limited vocabulary.
I have always thought the person with the gold makes the rules. I do realize that there is "always a faster gun in the west".
I have a happy and well rewarded group of people who work for me.

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2010 7:47 am  

You're welcome
"I believe this is a modern approach to the typical extension cord."
I know you believe this to be modern in approach. I was asking why.... what makes it so? It has a different shape? That certainly wouldn't make a difference. There is no new material present. There is no innovation being made. I just do not get it. It seems you are just saying modern in terms of aesthetics. Which, of course, modernism definitely has deeper meaning than skin deep. Or maybe you aren't talking aesthetics? Which would make sense, bc I certainly don't consider it visually modern in style.... I'm confused. Please enlighten...
By the way, why must you call me Whitespeak? It comes across as a bit disrespectful when you refer to someone incorrectly like that on purpose over and over.... I'm not losing any sleep. Just sayin.'

Honorable Member
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31/07/2010 8:08 am  

floor outlets
Seems like floor outlets have lost favor these days. Are they against code?
I keep refreshing this really is pretty entertaining.

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2010 8:14 am  

Nearly forgot...
4. Ark spouts indignant gibberish completely ignorant of his/her inability to communicate with any slice of humanity with inevitable mentions of how much dough he/she has and/or how many people he/she has working under him/her.
This is the best part.
Or is this the part where the thread goes to shit?

Ark of Decorati...
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31/07/2010 8:17 am  

wrong name
That was a mistake and for this I say I am truly sorry. It will never happen again.

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2010 8:53 am  

It's okay, Ark, no sweat
But you ALWAYS call me Whitespeak.
Anyway, on with the discussion.... this frilly cable is modern because __________________. (fill in the blank).

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2010 10:14 am  

Oh my...
Ark, you are a tool. Period. Stop playing stupid games.
Lunchbox, I have thought the same of you once upon a time, but here I stand firmly in your camp.
Whitespike you know I luvya, no additional comment needed.
So...dudes... we're talking about an extension cord here. Let the man have his delusions. I'm quite happy with my decision to let wires be wires. It's a MODERN choice.

Ark of Decorati...
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31/07/2010 6:36 pm  

name correction
I misread your name the first time and it just stuck in my mind. As I said it will never happen again (this of course is the best apology - not repeating the same error). As to the extension cord, I would rather be happy as opposed to correct. End of discussion.
As for Popeye's friend and the person named after food, I know that I ask myself (and I would suggest that they do the same) what part do I play in this situation. It does take two to Tango.
I can not help that I have been blessed (by family and hard work) and I am able to purchase nearly everything I desire (jet airplanes the obvious exclusion). I never see the point of making fun of people who have means.
I never (repeat never) have to resort to the use of four letter words to describe my dislike for an item (ie. this cording is _______ ugly or this thread has gone to ____). Most of my friends have much less than me and I would not dream of ever telling them their house or furniture looks like ____). I visit my friends not their homes.
Lastly, I treat all my paid workers well and never ask them to do anything I would not do myself. I may be hard, but I am fair and I pay people wages that enable them to support their family. They seem to be happy.
I have been doing my best to adhere to the "new" guidlines and I will be as careful as possible to not ruffle any feathers in future postings.

Robert Leach
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31/07/2010 6:52 pm  

Bateman ? 🙂
[note] makes less sense now the ark has edited out of his post above that should his friends in SoHo reveal his identity to us we would all be somehow amazed.

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2010 8:02 pm  

Well then, that's settled...
Well then, that's settled 🙂
Carry on.
Olive, others may view our technique (or lack thereof) of dealing with cables as a 'cop out.' But I honestly see the tendency to make everything perfect as a bit obsessive. I am very OCD by nature. It's taken a long time to be able to let things go, and at least for me it feels like a win. There's the perfect in our minds, and the perfect of reality. We should celebrate our imperfections as humans and understand that it's okay for our lives to reflect that. It's who we are. The outlet on the wall is no more unsightly than that double chin I'm sprouting. My metabolism is slowing down and I need electricity to use my radio. I can get over it and live.
That being said, I don't like them either. I too am a fan of outlets on the floor. My parents had that in their old house. Even outlets on the baseboards would be good. Again, I guess that codes won't allow for it these days?

Patrick - desig...
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31/07/2010 8:38 pm  

Here is a short definition...
Here is a short definition of post-modernist architecture from wikipedia: If one replaces the word architecture by design, one can quickly conclude that the Artecnia Wirepod is post-modern and not modern.
"Postmodernism in architecture is marked by the re-emergence of surface ornament, reference to surrounding buildings in urban architecture, historical reference in decorative forms, and non-orthogonal angles. ..."
This being said, not being modern is not a crime! There are many interesting contemporary post-modern items on the market now.
If I was confronted to Olive's wiring problem, I wouldn't chose this option but I don't see any reason why to criticise it so violently. So, let's continue this thread in a more positive manner.

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2010 8:53 pm  

"This being said, not being...
"This being said, not being modern is not a crime!"
I completely agree. But, again, I was trying to have a conversation about what is and what isn't for interests' sake.
I certainly wasn't criticizing it for not being modern. I have several things in my life that are not. After all, we do not live in a bubble! Although, occasionally I wish I did.

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31/07/2010 11:08 pm  

thread of the year?

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2010 11:56 pm  

Deja vu!
Methinks we have been here before. Although Wikepedia isn't known for a strict adherence to accuracy, in this case the definition is spot on. POST-modernism is a RETURN to ornamentation and surface decoration. Modernism or Modern with a capital 'M' is a clearly defined style that is characterized by the lack of said ornamentation. It's that confusion of Modern with a capital 'M' and 'contemporary' that is the heart of Ark's mis-labeling. Ark is obviously a fan of 'the decorative arts'. Decoration being the operative word here. Modern is not decorated, it is simple, clean and unornamented.
Just because something was manufactured in the last couple decades doesn't make it 'Modern' with a capital 'M' it makes it contemporary, or possibly modern with a lower case 'm'. It could also be Postmodern which is again a defined style using its predecessor as a jumping off point for more fanciful and decorated designs.
In my mind that cord is most definitely a Postmodernist design, and equally certainly NOT a Modern one.
And Ark, I did not swear in any of my postings. What gets you into arguments with folks here is your tendency to embellish the negative and make inflammatory remarks. You couch them in polite rhetoric and then claim injury when someone reacts. It's an unpleasant, manipulative way to behave and it's sad, but I think you enjoy it. You obviously liked getting under Lunchbox's skin as he's a pretty straightforward kind of guy who tells it like he sees it and you can get a rise out of him just by being snotty.
I gotta tell you Ark, I read your last pedantic, condescending post about visiting your friends with less means and I got all twitchy too. Try being truly interested in contributing to the discussion rather than playing games by derailing it and you might find that others will enjoy what you have to say.

Illustrious Member
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01/08/2010 12:03 am  

In all fairness, Patrick...
Ark ruins pretty much every thread he/she posts in. It's not as if this is anything new. No one cares what he/she has in his/her house or what he/she does with his/her time or money. And the lack of education on subject matter in general discussed on this forum doesn't help things.

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