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Is my upholstery or...

Is my upholstery original? Papa Bear Chair & Ottoman  


New Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3
15/05/2012 1:26 pm  

Please tell me what you can about my chair. As far as I know this is all original. I got this chair from a woman who's parents bought it new. She never mentioned it being reupholstered. Someone told me they believed it was reupholstered because "the seam with the welt cord at the juncture between the back and the arm should not be there". I was thinking maybe it is just a different model/ year, something different than others?
There are removable sleeves also. I have several more pictures too. This one is the bottom of the ottoman. Someone wrote "Oct 1961" on it.

Any expert opinions would be appreciated. I am actively trying to sell this chair and am no expert. Please help me ASAP with this! All info is appreciated. Price info?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
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15/05/2012 8:45 pm  

Not original. Too many seams and too much welt around the arms, AND the pieced rectangles on the inside back are the wrong orientation. The long sides should be on the vertical, not horizontal.
I would bet that the upholsterer stripped the chair and then forgot exactly how the original was done, so he just winged it and got a few crucial things wrong. It's easy to do, especially before the days of digital cameras for easy documentation, and the internet for easy research. Of course, he could have made a few sketches, but oh well...

New Member
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Posts: 3
16/05/2012 12:01 pm  

Thank you very much. I...
Thank you very much. I really appreciate you responding.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 903
17/05/2012 3:27 pm  

Original papa bear upholstery
here are some detailed images of the bear


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