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my new gn clock  


Famed Member
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04/05/2009 8:35 am  

What do you all think? It's my first gn clock...the first of many, I hope. I think I got a good price on it, although I just noticed that the hour hand looks broken off. Is this replaceable/ fixable?,258473539,258473936,258475846,258476220,258476627,258476989&formats=0,0,0,0,0,0,0&format=0

Illustrious Member
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04/05/2009 8:52 am  

Nice one
I believe the hands are the way they are supposed to be. Nice pick!

Illustrious Member
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04/05/2009 10:14 am  

Barry has one
When he wakes up, he'll let you know if the hands are right. He posted a pic of his way back in the Nelson clock thread #4 or 5. I'll try to copy the picture here but it might be too old and not show up.

Illustrious Member
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04/05/2009 10:16 am  

It worked!
That's Barry's basket clock. It looks like your tip might be broken off. But, you have a second hand and his doesn't. Hope that helps.

Illustrious Member
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04/05/2009 11:29 am  

My basket clock
looks the same as yours, but mine has the second hand. The same thin, earlier hands too.
...and since it's rattan, it's more fragile than some of Nelson's clocks, so finding one in good condition is super nice.

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04/05/2009 11:31 am  

Thanks for the picture Riki and for the nice comment glassartist! I'll take it to a clock shop and see if they can make one to fit and hopefully clean the minute hand. Is that okay to do with an old clock, or is it frowned upon?
Barry, mine has the second hand also, but did you see the pics in the first post above? It looks like my hour hand is broken off.
I'm so excited to have this clock. I cant wait to get my next gn clock. I have walnut wood paneling on the wall around the fireplace and I know a whole slew of gn clocks would look so nice against that wood!

Illustrious Member
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04/05/2009 6:56 pm  

Regarding the hands...
Your hour hand might be a variant. It was produced in 1952, Clock 2215 is fairly early, and your hour hand might be original length. Does the edge look like it was cut off? If the edge is smooth, then it's a variation hand.
Also, did you know that there was an oval version, 2216? I've never seen one, but I have a photograph.

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05/05/2009 11:01 am  

I will let you know
how the hands look when I receive the clock. It is in transit now (I hope) and I havent seen it in person. Barry, does your clock have the wooden back?

Illustrious Member
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05/05/2009 6:15 pm  

Yes it does, Rocky...
It's just like the one you're getting, except mine has the small brass "Howard Miller" nameplate on the front.
Mine also occasionally hums!

Famed Member
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Posts: 301
05/05/2009 11:14 pm  

Does it keep a beat? 🙂
I dont think I will plug mine in, just hang it up for decoration in the living room. I am keeping my eye out for other GN clocks...should anyone see any.


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