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more on Nelson knoc...

more on Nelson knock-off bench  


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11/03/2008 10:24 pm  

I received a Nelson 4' bench today from Office Designs for $599. It has a few blemishes, which is why it was $100 off. But they are not really noticeable. I got the Herman Miller version after being convinced by folks on this site that knock-offs would not hold up and I could end up spending just as much money over the years buying new ones. And it's true, the HM version is very well made and sturdy. Still, like most HM products, I still think the bench is overpriced. I would love to see a break down of costs for the bench, because materials can't run more than $50-$75. I have several HM reissue pieces (Eames desk, Eames LTR, Nelson swag leg table, for example...) and they all are overpriced IMO.

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12/03/2008 2:48 am  

I sympathize but...
Good for you for not buying the knock off. I agree with those that hold out for the real thing. However, I'm with you on the overpriced-ness of the mid-century market. I can't bring myself to fork over that much money for a furniture piece. My solution is to look elsewhere. Craigslist, garage sales, and trash dumps still hold hope and I've had success in each of these. Take your time and look. One may not find an Eames lounge but one can have hope.
This past thread of yours has been on my mind. It's an interesting topic for collectors.

Fungus Mungus (USA)
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12/03/2008 5:02 am  

There is hope on CL
I found not one, but TWO Eames Lounges (670/71) on Craigslist. One for $1400 with crappy cushions but good rosewood shells and another one for $450 with great cushions and repaired shock mounts (the screw method). This was within a 3 month period. I swapped the cushions and sold one Eames lounge with crappy cushions and repaired shock mounts for $1800 (again on CL) making my net cost $50 for one sweet looking 50's vintage rosewood lounge.
I'm just waiting for the shock mounts to go. 🙂

Illustrious Member
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12/03/2008 5:33 am  

one of the $125.00 clearance 72" Nelson benches I got from Home Office Designs - the same company you got yours from - is holding 9 of those 1960's INGRID plastic record cubes (full of books) and two rather beat up Nelson/Herman Miller bookshelfs (also full of books).
The weight must be amazing, but those good ol' Herman Miller benches are built for heavy weight. They may be expensive, but they're made for the long haul (pun intended).
That's one of the items that I wouldn't give you a red cent for the knockoffs....I want quality and strength in a bench/platform.

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12/03/2008 6:25 pm  

Hey Nate--I do look for things in other places, including Ebay and Craig's list, local thrift stores, etc. Have found some good deals as well.

Illustrious Member
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12/03/2008 6:30 pm  

Someone posted a great quote by Kathrine Hepburn on one of these threads: "It's like buying a piece of furniture that's really good. When you buy it and it's great, you get enormous pleasure out of seeing it and you never remember how much it costs."
While I agree that none of the MCM pieces are decidedly 'inexpensive' I also dont think most of them are grossly overpriced. Some things, like the Eames LaChaise, or the Kjearholm couch are such niche items that I disregard them in that respect. But compared to what people spend on other items good quality furniture seems down-right cheap.
Car: $15-$80,000...devalues as soon as you drive it off the lot.
Laptop: $500-$3000, will be considered 'old' in 2-3 years, completely obsolete in 5-6.
Chanel Purse: $300-$3000, 12 months max before it is 'so last season'
Good Dinner & bottle of wine: $60-$200, over within 3 hours.
Vacation/cruise: $1000-$8000: yes, the memories will last a lifetime, but the actual vacation will be over in a week.
Compare any of the above things with a $500 Nelson bench that you will use for the next 40 years...

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12/03/2008 9:17 pm  

HM prices
I'm not arguing about the price of HM stuff vs. other items. I'm just saying that someone is making a bundle off this stuff. There is no way the materials in the HM bench are worth more than $50, $75 tops, yet they sell for $699 and up. The Nelson family must be getting about $400 per bench, or else someone is making a fat profit.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1874
12/03/2008 10:08 pm  

Dont be so sure
I'm not saying materials account for total cost - but seriously, you're looking at a bunch of high quality maple, with three large finger joints along the bench top, and 4 angled finger joints along the legs. The whole things is manufactured in the US, which means the guy or gal making it is paid a decent wage, has health insurance etc. Sure, someone is making a profit, but I dont think it's as big as you think. And even if it is, who cares as long as you like your bench?


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