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minimalism or nothi...

minimalism or nothingness?  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 522
07/10/2008 9:28 pm  

dc, not to diminish your...
dc, not to diminish your talent, but I have to say that I see you more as a kind of brilliant Chuck Wepner. So that many folks here should not be intimidated with marquee names such as Koen and Wilson, can I just say also that the greatest boxing rivalry of the last forty years was not Ali/Frazier, Ali/Norton, or even Ali/Foreman, but was more likely Bazooka Limon versus Bobby Chacon.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
07/10/2008 10:32 pm  

That was some satisfying reading. Good food for thought. I still think the Pawson monastery is a masterwork. The purity of the lines really speaks to me as no other house of worship ever has. They are all so bombastic and threatening, versus soothing and enightening. Pawson's work feels really good to me and I've only seen photos, I can't imagine how the actual space would affect me. Probably like music does when I hear a peice that touches my soul. I cry... it's just my personal reaction. And in the end any debate about form and the cultural basis for it tends to skip that personal component. I'm sure there are plenty of folks in the world who have transendental experiences looking at the Palace of Versailles and listening to Bruce Springsteen, but I'm not one of them. Visceral experience is individual, not the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's reduce, reuse, recycle and keep on using!

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