Design Addict


logo design  


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22/11/2008 11:05 pm  

recently employed a designer to rebrand a new shop that we have taken on and to create a new logo

after several weeks of serious design time and money he showed me several uninspiring logos and something that he thought i would like to see that i said straight away 'i really like that'

turns out the logo i liked and said i wanted to go with was a random scribble that he just did on a piece of rough paper purely to show a colour he was thinking of using to a colleague in the studio and in no way was it part of the studios design ideas for our logo

i have taken it on and it is now the logo of our entire branding

design comes in strange ways sometimes

Illustrious Member
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23/11/2008 5:05 am  

I like it.
It reads as Modern to me -- and seems to have a three-dimensional quality as well ?
What is the state of research about "unconscious design" ? Doesn't the hand, left alone, often make nice shapes ?

Jyri Snellman (FIN)
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23/11/2008 8:11 pm  

Raymond Loewy's minimalist designs... new logo for BAT Lucky Strike and new Shell oil company logo were very succesful. Modern Q8 and Statoil logos are probably inspired by his designs.
General Electric logo reflects their innovative history.
Although eye glasses are prison for active people like me, SpecSavers logo and new LensCrafters packaging by Grude Gerdeman are very stylish.

Jyri Snellman (FIN)
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23/11/2008 8:15 pm  

New BP (Beyond Petroleum) and Neste Oil logos...
...give a hint of upcoming oil crisis:

Illustrious Member
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23/11/2008 8:31 pm  

Its beautiful,
I would have had the designer develop it further. Have brought it down to its essences and played around with the form. The reason that I say this is not that I dislike the logo that you have chosen, but because I think the very act of exploration can illuminate things that would otherwise be hidden. Those things revealed may not influence at all your decision to keep the logo as is, or make changes, but at least you will know.
I remember showing some ideas of a business card to a fellow graphic designer. She glanced at the proofs and said "these are good. Now that you've got them out of your system start working on the real design." another 50 proofs later and we went to print. However, on other projects, it is the very first impulsive scribble that is most successful.

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23/11/2008 9:04 pm  

the thing is
the logo is exactly his first random scribble as he simply moved his pen up and down to demonstrate a colour and i just like the fact that even though i love design the logo has come from no design or thought whatsoever
we have developed it in so far as we have put it on to canvass and are actually selling it as wall art and also cropping it at times on tickets etc

Illustrious Member
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24/11/2008 3:12 am  

It's nice ... but I've...
It's nice ... but I've always believed that the best type of logo is recognizable enough for most people to reproduce it themselves with a black pen and piece of white paper after having seen the logo just once or twice. This is impossible with your new logo and I think the company's identity suffers under the logo's complexity.
There's a lot of great energy in that doodle but to me there's no sense of direction, no point of focus or even a hint to what your company is about. I would also change the font of your company's name as it doesn't fit with the logo - to me they're representing a time and mindset that are very different from each other.
That's my 50 øre (The Danish equivalent to 2 cent).

Illustrious Member
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26/11/2008 3:01 am  

Listen to MAndersen...
This is wrong for you unless you are selling finger paint.

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21/07/2011 4:11 pm  

That must be catchy and its...
That must be catchy and its color is appropriate as well as the text and the background. Those things should consider by the pro logo designer.
(edited by DA - no advertising please)


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