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The last thing you'...

The last thing you've done  

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Leslie Denham
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01/06/2011 2:07 pm  

Nice tables. Love spalted...
Nice tables. Love spalted maple! I used ambrosia beetle spalted maple one time in a table. Pretty expensive stuff huh?
That is also a badass wheelchair. How much of the fabrication were you involved with? You mentioned it was cast, were the molds rp'd or 3d wax printed?

Leslie Denham
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01/06/2011 2:12 pm  

Very nice table....
Very nice table. I see you put in the sliding wedge tenons, are there also biscuits or dominos in that miter joint? That huge crack scares the hell out of me.

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01/06/2011 3:17 pm  

Fear Not!
Thanks Leslie, there are actually wood screws behind the wedges and the glue joint has such a huge surface area that you'd pretty much have to use a crow bar to make it move at this point. You posted some nice work yourself, however by the time I saw it that thread was getting a little deep for a mere carpenter like myself. My motto is "You just have to be smarter than the wood"

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01/06/2011 9:42 pm  

Shell chairs restored
No big deal and pretty easy, but I think they turned out nice.
(edited by DA -no advertising on the forum please)

peter osullivan
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07/06/2011 10:36 pm  

had to replace the power cabl...
had to replace the power cable on a floor lamp i had refinished, rather than go for white thought i'd jazz it up a little with this fabric covered cable,

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18/06/2011 4:16 am  

graphite drawing
hand cut 2 layers

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18/06/2011 4:35 am  

Really like the bottom one Adam, lots of depth.

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18/06/2011 4:42 am  

the bottom is a detail.

Illustrious Member
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18/06/2011 6:23 am  

Nice stuff,
Lovely drawing, Adam. What does "hand cut two layers" refer to ?
Good strategy, Brent. Visually, I would have wanted those neato wedged splines to read a bit bigger -- like they could really be doing something structurally. As it is they're more decorative ? Still, a very impressive piece. What did you use to cut the miters ? Thanks for the look at the process . . .

Illustrious Member
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18/06/2011 6:47 am  

Here's a
quarter-scale model of a 9'-8" dining table (or a 56-inch cocktail table ?) I made a year ago. The legs fold outward. I call the central surface a "server."

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18/06/2011 6:47 pm  

The lines are made with...
The lines are made with pencil, then I cut the negative space out of each drawing with an x-acto knife. Then they are layered, in this case two layers.

Illustrious Member
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18/06/2011 11:02 pm  

jezus, adam, you've got some...
jezus, adam, you've got some amazing discipline!

Illustrious Member
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20/06/2011 6:34 pm  

Nod to Mr. Fowler for sharing
his impressive example of what inspiration, determination, and perseverance can achieve. As someone cursed with the attention span of a gnat, the results of your effort instills in me a mixture of fear and reverence.
I'm curious as to which paper or other support you've chosen, how you repair the inevitable miscuts and/or damage, what technique was used to attach the overlaying cutout, and how the piece is mounted for framing (assuming the work is intended to be displayed in the traditional manner).
SDR: Interesting model. Reminds me of my ironing board in a way. Elegant and refined shapes. The "server" component appears as a straight rectangle and, as such, a somewhat incongruous afterthought? The table also looks to me like it might be a bit heavy and awkwardly shaped for storage as a full-scale folding table, though. What did you learn from it?

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20/06/2011 7:00 pm  

Thank you Tktoo,
I appreciate your kind words about my work. It is a discipline to make those drawings, but very rewarding. The layers are attached to one an other with archival glue which is also what is used to attach them to the mat board before they are framed. The drawing I posted is one that I just finished but my work varies somewhat and the piece I am most proud of is one I made last year that consisted of 88 layers.

Illustrious Member
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20/06/2011 7:09 pm  

Okay, Adam. You win.
I can't even glance at that one without feeling it necessary to vacuum under my bed so I can safely hide there!

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