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The last thing you ...

The last thing you acquired, #9  

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Illustrious Member
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17/08/2011 6:57 pm  

no apology required
You are okay by me. It is that Ark who is so very touchy.
I am glad you suggested buying another home. This too is my solution, but it seems that the less fortunate on this site always get upset at the more fortunate and so I did not make that suggestion.
I like your table. How about Poul Kjaerholm PK8 chairs from Fritz Hansen.
Once again, congratulations on your new home. I am sure that a lifetime of hard work (either by you or your family) paved the way for your "good luck".

Noble Member
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17/08/2011 7:01 pm  

in an economy like this, with huge proportions of our population out of work even countries going bankrupt it's not cool to tell people to just " buy another house" even in jest. I'm glad you're royalty but really, have a little appreciation for the not so majestically froogle, you the one's who can't afford to just go and buy property in the Alps.

Tom Ado
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17/08/2011 7:21 pm  


Illustrious Member
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17/08/2011 7:49 pm  

I do have a storage unit, does that count?
I started out buying things for my mid century house, but now I probably sell more than I keep. Great fun.
I am thinking about getting a bigger storage unit...

Illustrious Member
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17/08/2011 8:03 pm  

Storage units count,
other people's garages count, your great-aunt's attic counts, even the shed in the backyard where normal people put lawn mowers counts.

Tom Ado
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17/08/2011 8:04 pm  


Illustrious Member
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17/08/2011 8:51 pm  

Mr. Dude to you
The people who work hard and save their money will always have the advantage over those who do not save. The economy is not bad for everyone.
Perhaps as they say, "you should walk a mile in Riki's shoes" prior to being judgemental. Try to appreciate the things you have rather than resentful of what others may have.

Illustrious Member
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17/08/2011 9:06 pm  

Hey, niceguy
Where can I get a cane like that?

Noble Member
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17/08/2011 10:48 pm  

i like the cane too
I really do appreciate what you guys are saying. I can even appreciate bragging if you are bragging about something interesting, but come on bragging for the sake of bragging is just in poor taste. It's just common sense and common decency to point that out. What makes modern design so striking is it's simplicity or you could even say humility.

Robert Leach
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17/08/2011 11:11 pm  

"What makes modern design so striking is it's simplicity or you could even say humility."
That's a really weird argument....
Modern design is what it is because fashion dictates what it is.
All modern design is consumerism, we don't actually need any new design.
Are you saying this about ALL modern design?

Noble Member
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17/08/2011 11:17 pm  

modern design not...
modern design not contemporary design, you understand what I mean right? It is a funny argument, I agree and rather unnecessary but apparently I needed to be made.

Illustrious Member
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17/08/2011 11:29 pm  

The cane
woodywood and adamfowler,
You can get a cane similar to this at Swaine Adeney Brigg suppliers to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and HRH The Prince of Wales. They provided all my umbrellas and a cane (not bragging - just a fact).
I do not believe that Riki was bragging. Based on all her previous postings this does not seem likely. As for me, living large is what I do best.
Can we please put aside personal feelings and get back the, before this, interesting thread.

Illustrious Member
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17/08/2011 11:33 pm  

Define "fortunate", please.
I think I think it means something other than what you think it means.

Illustrious Member
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18/08/2011 12:23 am  

fortunate means just what I thought
I try to choose my words carefully. I and the dictionary define fortunate as: coming by good luck or favorable chance.
1. My mother and father were fortunate that through hard work and determination they (born during the great depression) came from what would best be described as poverty to people of means.
2. I am fortunate to be their son.
3. I too worked hard and was fortunate to accumulate cash reserves that make the current difficult economic situation good for me.
Yes, I am very lucky.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
18/08/2011 1:09 am  

I'm confused.
Isn't the title of the thread "The Last Thing You Acquired"? How is it bragging that I posted about my dining room table for my new house?
Adam, perhaps it will soothe your delicate sensibilities to know that a) I am really, really old and b) I already live in Switzerland. Would it have made it less offensive to you if I had purchased a ski home in Vermont? You seem to be hung up on the fact that the house in the Alps.
Now, you little people need to stop bothering me while I summon the maid to draw my bath and the butler, Ueli, to fetch me another glass of Romanee-Conti.

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