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The last thing you ...

The last thing you acquired, #7  

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Trusted Member
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24/06/2011 1:28 am  

Nice light. Just the right...
Nice light. Just the right amount of wear to show it is authentic.

Famed Member
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24/06/2011 9:01 am  

I got painting from a local estate sale in SF area for $20 and I'm totally loving it but I know nothing about it. I don't even recognize the signature at the bottom right but I love this modernist style and all of its colors, lines and textures and especially the little red human figures! It looks like a European city to me but not sure. Anyone know what this style is called or maybe the artist's name or period it came from?

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24/06/2011 9:04 am  

Painting Cont.

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24/06/2011 9:10 am  

Painting Cont.

Noble Member
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26/06/2011 12:25 am  

I got two of these chairs
and traded one for the high chair

Illustrious Member
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26/06/2011 2:35 am  

Very nice adam
Who is the chair by?

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26/06/2011 3:04 am  

hvidt & Molgaard-Nielsen
1961 for France & Son
I like it too but I'm going to trade it for a safari chair, a little diffrent then what I'm used to seeing. I'll post picks when I get it. Probably trading down, but when you pay $60 for two chairs who really cares?

Illustrious Member
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26/06/2011 3:36 am  

Great find
I was referring to the Ditzel high chair, but the lounge chair is also nice. I would probably trade for a Safari chair too if given the opportunity!

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26/06/2011 4:53 am  

Ive been looking for a while
for that high chair. I found her cradle about a year ago and have wanted the chair to go with it. Now all thats needed is something to put in them.

Illustrious Member
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26/06/2011 5:07 am  

All you need now is a Danish ...
All you need now is a Danish lady to make a baby with, vintage...not so good.

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26/06/2011 6:08 am  

i like em old
doesn't everyone?

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1274
26/06/2011 8:08 am  

A Moller 59 inch bench. ...
A Moller 59 inch bench. $299 at a vintage shop. Will need to be re-corded before too long, but thanks to Spanky I know how to do that myself.

Illustrious Member
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26/06/2011 9:29 am  

The Nanna Ditzel high chair...
The Nanna Ditzel high chair is so nice that it could be reason enough in itself to have a kid. Saw the cradle on Google. It is also very nice.

Noble Member
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Posts: 248
26/06/2011 5:30 pm  

the person i got it from...
the person i got it from said that it was her grandmother's cradle, implying that her grandmother sleeped in it. I did the math and let me tell you I was a bit shocked. Sometimes I think people selling furniture will say anything if they think it makes a good story.

Illustrious Member
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26/06/2011 7:31 pm  

nice finds!
LOVE the painting. Love it.
Also, the Nanna Ditzel high chair. I don't know how practical it is without a tray--I guess ok if you have a washable table to eat at. But it's beautiful. (And the cradle even more so.)
The Moller bench---I rewove one of those. Just be careful not to have too much slack in the front-to-back cords. They really shouldn't be any different than those in a chair. Or maybe they should even be a little tighter? I remember my bench being less taut than a chair seat when it was done and wishing that I'd done it a bit tighter.
New tip for chair seat weavers: stick your hands in a bowl of ice water for five minutes after each weaving session. Like at least a tray of cubes in a big bowl of cold water. Continuous emersion is not necessary---take them out when the pain is too great, then stick 'em back in when they've recovered a bit. But five minutes in all seems to be about right. At least for me. They will feel much better the next day.

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