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Keyhole brackets on...

Keyhole brackets on Selig / Ib Kofod-Larsen Chair  


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04/03/2018 4:33 pm  

Illustrious Member
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04/03/2018 5:12 pm  

Clean out the slots in the screws and tighten them down incrementally until they more firmly engage the keyhole hardware. Or if the heads of the screws are too badly worn, replace with new, proper size and style screws.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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04/03/2018 11:49 pm  

Did you take the keyholes off when you refinished it? And did you then re-install them upside down?

I ask because the standard disassembly procedure is the lift the seat from UP, which is the same as pushing the arm down. This is so that you can lift the chair up from any other part, like the arms and it stays together. If you installed the keyholes upside down, the chair would come apart when you lift the arm up.

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05/03/2018 12:46 pm  

Thanks, I'll try tightening and/or replacing the screws. I didn't remove the keyholes for refinishing and they appear to be in the correct orientation (large entry hole at the top).

Illustrious Member
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06/03/2018 2:42 am  

It's literally a matter of degrees and trial-and-error. The keyhole fixtures are ramped. If the screw is too tight, it won't fully seat. If it's loose, the joint will be, too. I can't think of a better application for the proverbial rubber mallet. Tedious, yes, but keep at it and you should achieve desired results.

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06/03/2018 2:29 pm  

Thanks tktoo, I've been using the mallet and tightening screws. It seems at least one screw will need to be replaced. It may be bent (?!) as it's not going in easily. Good to hear I'm not the only one who finds it a tedious process!


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