Design Addict


This isn't about de...

This isn't about design, but I'm hoping someone can help  

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Robert Leach
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29/06/2008 12:42 am  

Nice Post

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29/06/2008 1:02 am  

To Dots, I apologize if the...
To Dots, I apologize if the tone of my posts turned you away from this forum-it was not my intent. Re-reading my posts, I see how they could have been interpreted as mean spirited-and to an extent-they were just that. I take full responsibility for my actions and apologize again.

azurechicken (USA)
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29/06/2008 9:47 am  

return and tell us what you discovered,it was fun...a bit like the indian tale of three blind men describing an elephant...

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29/06/2008 10:05 am  

nicely said BTVM.. It ...
nicely said BTVM.. It can be somewhat intimidating for a newbie on this forum,
I have been around for several years and i remember the first time i stuck my toe in the water I was worried if i was eloquent enough to keep up.
I guess cause of my love for MCM furniture and everything that, that time period represents. I enjoy , i did not get scared off to go hide under the bed. Over the last years some people on this forum have come and gone, some have been real smart Asses and Jerks, but they quickly got ushered off the forum cause no wants to listen to their stupid crap. This forum does not care about ones sexual preference,religious preferences,education, only what they want to say about good design. so Dot where ever you are I hope no one set you off to think we are a bunch of stuck up snooty Jerks, and have no time for little or new peoples questions,
One of the smartest professors at Harvard once said , There are no stupid questions, if you are trying to learn something,
Posting pictures is the best way of show and tell cause we can not meet you on the corner to check things out, cloak and dagger and secrecy does not work well here either,
once again i am having trouble with my photo bucket i have deleted and enabled cookies, and re registered under a new name and it still will not upload, that is why i have not been able to post some really cool pictures of the construction going on at my house,

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29/06/2008 1:15 pm  

Just a quick word
I don't have time right now to go into detail, but I'll just say a few things.
One, I did post photos of the relevent aspects that I was inquiring about. I was not asking about the form of the object or the maker or designer. I was very pointed and specific that I was asking about the material, period. And I posted photos that were relevent to that specific question.
Two, if you folks cannot imagine any viable non-nefarious reasons that I did not want to post a photo of the object en toto, then all I can say is that for people interested in design, you surely lack imagination.
Three, I posted many photos in several other threads of other items, when I had questions relating to the form or designer, so clearly I do have some inkling about what is relevent and what is not. I do try to be precise in what I'm asking, and I usually think things out pretty carefully before bringing them to a forum of experts.
Let me reframe this whole question. If I had a flat square piece of material and was trying to discern whether it was bronze or patinated zinc alloy or whatever, and I posted a close-up to show the color and patina and texture, would you all have been so critical? Just think about that. Because my question was essentially just that, it had solely to do with the material, and I posted photos that showed what I considered relevent to that. The shape and size of the object had absolutely ZERO to do with what I was asking about.
And fourth - when examining an object to determine it's composition, it's wholly appropriate to use the best tools available, and if that includes a microscope, then one would be foolish to not avail themselves of it. I feel sorry for such narrow-minded people who laugh at serious efforts.
Ok, that wasn't exactly a quick word and it was somewhat detailed and more than a few things.

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29/06/2008 6:29 pm  

Your hypothetical about the "flat square" sample
is neither here nor there, seems to me. Were that the case, obviously you'd have no choice but to post a pic of a flat square sample.
But that WASN'T the case, which is why posters became frustrated.
A material is much easier to identify (especially in a photograph) if one can see a large 3-D sample, as I'm sure you'll agree. That being the case, we couldn't understand your steadfast refusal to make it easier.

Big Television Man
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29/06/2008 8:54 pm  

Okay Mr. or Mrs. Dots
you win! We are all a very unimaginative lot. But overall shape and size can pinpoint a designer or manufacturer in most cases and then a forum member has a chance of commenting that designer X always worked in whatever material as I had previously posted and you can get your answer. So shape is not a ZERO issue.
And I have thought about a flat square piece of metal. If you had a flat square piece of metal, this is not the place to get it analyzed for composition. Take it to a metallurgist. We celebrate "stuff" here and peoples good fortune in finding "stuff."
Not every forum is a good fit for every person who stumbles upon that particular forum. We made an honest attempt to schuss out this "great mystery" item in an honest attempt to assist you with "your" question and you persisted in being less then forthcoming, and apparently left in a huff. Then when we attempt a cogent explanation of how things work in this particular forum, you retort as to our lack of imagination in a prissy and pissy way.
As I stated earlier, not every person and every forum is a good fit. There are hundreds if not thousands of forums out there and we clearly are not one that seems to work for you. I hope you find what you are looking for "out there".

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29/06/2008 9:21 pm  

dots defined.
I am quite sure that Dots is one of those people who never return what they borrow.
Case in point, all of Dots post where needy and rarely did Dots have anything to contribute to others, which could just be Dots inexperience and lack of design knowledge, however reading dots recent reply to those wondering and apologizing for dots return has narrowed my opinion to conclude otherwise.
It seems quite obvious that Dots only motive for trying to identify the many things posted was for monetary gain. I am quite sure these items like the fake Stocksdale s&p shakers will end up on ebay. Sure, many others including myself want things identified to get an idea of value for resale. However, I try to return help in identify anything I see that I have knowledge of.
As far as that corroding bronze piece of crap that dots was not willing to say what it was or provide a full picture of object. Again it is obvious that dots wants too take valued information for this forum to try to sound like an expert when dots tries to unload it on some unsuspecting buyer. Sure we all like to know who/what we are dealing with, however why not just be upfront and honest with us!
Until proven otherwise, I hope I am not being to hard.

Big Television Man
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29/06/2008 9:32 pm  

And one other thing
the name of this forum is "Design Addict" not "Material Addict" or "Composition Addict" The name of the forum should tell you that, yes the overall shape, the very "design" of a thing is relevant.
As an aside; well put Setag and WHC.

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29/06/2008 10:31 pm  

And the very title of this thread began: "This isn't about design"
I can count on one hand the number of "flame wars" I've been involved in on the net, and I've been on the net probably longer than almost everyone here (shall we argue about that now?)
It's troubling to have found a forum with so many intelligent, knowledgable and helpful people, and to have to run off because there are a handful of petty tyrants.
To those who have been very gracious with their time and knowledge, I sincerely thank you. I cannot reciprocate because I lack the knowledge that I'm coming here to gain - and I don't pretend to know something when I don't, or just for the sake of posting to feel like I'm contributing something. Ask me something in my field of expertise and you'd find I'm equally willing to share every bit of knowledge I have, and then some.

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29/06/2008 10:50 pm  

setag's direct ad hominem
So starting threads about unknown items, posting my own research and soliciting comments from experts is completely selfish you say? Have you ever read a thread started by someone else and found that you have learned something? What if the original poster had decided not to post the thread because it would look like they were trying to take advantage of other's knowledge, where would that leave a forum such as this?
And thank you for mentioning the Stocksdale S&P - that is the most perfect example I can think of as to why the form of the item is not relevent in some cases. Here was something with Stocksdale's own signature, in a medium he was known to use, of a type and design that was perfectly typical to him, found in a geographic region that he spent his life in -- and yet you characterize them as fake. You couldn't be more wrong when you assume they will go on ebay. First of all, I'm (99:1) more of a buyer on ebay (and elsewhere) than a seller. Secondly, I would never ever mischaracterize anything that I would sell - if I had doubts, I simply would not sell it. Your claim to know anything about my character is laughable.
Now if you had said I just have insatiable curiosity, that would have been the only true thing you could say.

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29/06/2008 11:17 pm  

I would agree that dots has...
I would agree that dots has quite the curiosity of finding out what indeed he/she had acquired. I have found myself scouring the internet to find out information on something to no avail, and that is quite perplexing.
However, I believe dots has not fully understood what the posters on this message board are saying.
They too have that same curiosity, it is what binds all of us design addicts. And just seeing parts and pieces of an item that is trying to be evaluated is frustrating on our parts as well.
The point of this board is gaining knowledge and the comraderie of other like minded individuals. Point being, for the short time I have frequented this board, the posters here are among the most willing group to put forth information and I for one truly appreciate it. Dot must understand, in regards to this specific thread, is that part of the payoff for this information is submitting full disclosure so others can learn from the knowledge shared.
Essentially, post the entire object so in case someone else comes across something similar or the same they too can understand what they are looking at.
It is your object to show or not to show, it's just that the idea of taking your ball and going home, a la third grade, is not a good way to endear yourself to the members of this board.

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30/06/2008 12:09 am  

texmod, I really do understand that curiosity and frustration
were the core reasons for what happened here. As well as complete disregard for my judgement with regards to a situation that impacts me. The posters who had their hissy fits about not being able to see the item, were doing so solely because of their own curiosity. I, who was the only one in a position to make this judgement, determined that the question could be addressed without knowing anything about the form of the object, and yet the majority of responders here decided that wasn't the case -- based on their assumptions, most of which were incorrect.
They threw a temper tantrum because they were told "no" and I responded with an equally immature action.

claus (DE)
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30/06/2008 12:33 am  

So lets's thank god you're...
So lets's thank god you're there in your divine position to make the decisions for all the idiots here.
But if you've childishly opposed helpful majorities like that ever since the internet existed, it's no wonder you got into so many fights. Have you ever considered someone else than you might be right - seriously??
please stop posting. this thread on top of the forum is a nuisance to DA.

Robert Leach
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30/06/2008 12:34 am  

All that aside, we are all visual people, and without the full picture it is pointless posting here for information, we don't post an image of a chair leg and ask about the chair..things need to be seen as a whole to give a value judgement.
Whatever the reason for your subterfuge, I feel it did us all a disservice.

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