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This isn't about de...

This isn't about design, but I'm hoping someone can help  

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27/06/2008 8:56 pm  


azurechicken (USA)
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27/06/2008 10:31 pm  

question: is it soft or brittle/hard if you can very easily scratch it its not likely bronze...

Big Television Man
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27/06/2008 11:17 pm  

I agree with Paulanna
As to posting a complete image. I can't for the life of me understand the hesitancy and here's why. If we had a complete picture of the item, it might be recognizable as being from a particular artist or "school" of artistic endeavour and that might instantly provide you with the answer you are looking for as in a fellow DA poster responding: "Oh yeah that piece is from the sculpture studios of Mr. XYZ or from GoodArt Foundries and they always worked in... pot metal, or petrified dino poop, or whatever material it might be.
I don't mean to be so direct but precision and whole photos when seeking attribution or material formulated from always results in better answers to questions then descriptions that can be interpreted in a gazillion different ways. Of course a photo may not work if the object might be considered obscene by some, like a giant phallic symbol or something of that nature. That said everything else is just a game of 20 questions as in, "Is it bigger then a bread box?.... etc. Good luck!

Robert Leach
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27/06/2008 11:24 pm  

I also agree
Can't see what the big mystery is.....
And if it is a huge secret, why bring it to a public forum ?

Illustrious Member
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27/06/2008 11:50 pm  

To be blunt, this cloak and...
To be blunt, this cloak and dagger crap is ridiculous.
The object is out of the seller's what if he feels bad that he made a mistake?
If you are concerned that this is an antiquity that has illegally been removed from its place of origin (smuggled out of East Asia, or Egypt for example) you should be forthright about the situation. Asking people on a public forum for help, then providing only a portion of the information needed for that help, in a way, makes them complicit in this "crime"
Refusing to post a pic is not only detrimental to your cause, but insulting to the individuals who you are asking for help.
Pony up a pic of the object.....or stop asking the generous, knowledgeable people on this forum for their help.
I realize I sound like a hard-ass, but hats just my 2 cents. Clearly, others here will feel differently

Robert Leach
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27/06/2008 11:57 pm  

I feel exactly the same 😉

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28/06/2008 12:00 am  

I agree, we need to see the whole, not just the parts--
these coy closeups are confusing to look at without seeing them in context.
Do yourself a favor-- go to the Ebay Antiques board, and post your question with a full image and closeups. Create a new Ebay username, if it makes you feel better.
(At the risk of belaboring the issue, I too can't conceive of the reason you're being so guarded and mysterious-- it only serves to plant suspicions ["Hmmm... did they steal this from a museum?"])

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Big Television Man
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28/06/2008 1:27 am  

I agree with Paulanna
and Jesgord, WHC, and Robert1960. Must be a slow Friday for all this mystery.

Illustrious Member
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28/06/2008 2:21 am  

I have an object....not sure...
I have an object....not sure if is made of metal, stone, wood, feathers, ceamic animal hide or old chewing gum.
When held up to bright light, it appears both translucent and opaque. When placed in liquid, it both absorbs and repels. A magnet will stick to it for a short period of time, then fall off. When tapped with a clove of garlic (un-pealed of course) it produces a sound not unlike when a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear/see it fall.
I am reluctant to post pictures as I am concerned that the person that threw it at me, may get angry. Furthermore pictures should not be needed as words are clearly more illustrative.
I am hoping an "expert" in a field I will not mention can help me identify the material, but until then, I will provide you with only the information I deem necessary for identification
Please help me identify the material of which this object is composed...your help will be greatly appreciated.

Big Television Man
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28/06/2008 2:42 am  

I just laughed so hard
I almost peed my pants. If you put this thing up on ebay Jesgord, I'll bid on it.

Illustrious Member
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28/06/2008 3:12 am  

Not to mention this 'object of mystery' was purchased on e-bay.
Many people saw it...
E-bay forums are scary in a useful way...i posted an object and had 5
responses within minutes. And yes, you can open a new account to use
for just that purpose. I meant to say post a photo AND detail shots...
Just trying to scoot the OP to a more useful location.
Jesgords game is much more it something by Karem Rashad?

Illustrious Member
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28/06/2008 3:55 am  

Too funny
Jesgord, might we suggest you run and go get your microscope and take some detailed photos for us.

Illustrious Member
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28/06/2008 11:41 pm  

THAT was an amusing waste of our time. . .[smiley face here]

Big Television Man
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29/06/2008 12:38 am  

It appears that we have totally scared off dots
I see that poster "dots" has gone in and completely deleted almost all of his or her posts which seemed to have only begun appearing here from around the 18th of June this year.
To "dots" I would say, no one here meant you any malice, but when you ask for assistance and then do so in the vaguest way possible, it benefits no one. This is a reasonably serious forum, we kid around a bit, but we also have posters capable of incredibly well thought out and informed input regarding all that is the MCM movement. As Jesgord posted "the cloak and dagger stuff is crap" especially in light of the fact that the item may have been on ebay previously.
If you were new here and you want to post again, I would say read a few past posts to get a sense of the tone. There is probably several hundred years of combined MCM knowledge here and if you ask complete, straightforward questions you will get complete and straightforward answers. If not, it seems too bad that you have gone off in a huff, and I say that after having witnessed your attempt to completely eradicate your presence here.
Like any community there will be disagreements but there is also a great sense of community here and if the answer to an MCM question can't be found here, it more then likely doesn't exist in the known scholarship.

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