Design Addict


interiors inspired ...

interiors inspired by the movies  


Noble Member
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29/04/2009 6:23 am  

Hey guys, I'm writing a feature piece about movie/TV inspired apartments and houses (specifically interiors). What would be your nominations? For example, would Frasier Crane's Seattle apartment get the nod? What about the gorgeous interiors in 2001 a Space Odyssey?

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29/04/2009 6:51 am  

for me without a doubt, it has to be Kubricks Clockwork Orange.
It's just a perfect representation about everything that's good with modern design and how to turn our mundane everyday existance into something truely magical. The work of a genius.

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29/04/2009 7:16 am  


Illustrious Member
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30/04/2009 12:52 am  

This link will help you with 20th Century touch stones...
Recently, Sex in the City massively informed how a generation of women thought about clothes and interiors, though often in ghastly ways. 🙂
Science fiction and paranoid thrillers and anything Ridley Scott does also re-inform our expectations about what interiors can become, and so tend to draw the reality of what follows in that direction.
People also vastly underestimate the informing effect of children's films on what these children will respond to when they become adults. From Laura Ingalls Wilder stories (and movies made of her books), to "The Jetsons," to "The Incredibles" to "Speed Racer," these films basically re-inform us about what is possible, whether tasteful, or not. When we are adults, we walk around with these possibilities lodged in our heads, as certainly as the government lodges fear of enemies in our heads from an early age with propaganda, and so we are receptive to the designers (and PR flaks and propagandists), when they create realities for us that fulfill these potentialities in us since childhood.

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2009 12:58 am  

Regarding The Incredibles...
there is a wonderful scene in it in which the mother goes to Edna, the fashion designer for super heroes,who says, after finding out what the mother wants in a new look for her family of soon to be re-employed super heroes, "No cape."
In two words, the movie industry probably changed half a century of expectations about super hero costumes in the current generation of young children. The Incredibles do not wear capes.
I wish the mother would have gone to an interior designer equivalent of Edna. Super hero interiors need to change too. Maybe in the sequel.

chewbacca rug (USA)
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30/04/2009 8:22 pm  

"interiors inspired by the movies"
not sure exactly what you are doing....... if you are writing about "interiors inspired by the movies" you would be writing about current real live interiors that were created in part by inspiration from films.
which is it ?
or are you simply writing about interiors that were created for / featured in movies? if so, it would not be "interiors inspired by the movies" it would be be interiors from films.
from where i sit, as a writer, you could stand to be more concise and clear so your readers know what it is you are talking about.

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2009 9:03 pm  

I was also confused...
By the subject heading.
Anyone ever see "Last Life in the Universe"... The interior of the guy's apartment was awesome.

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30/04/2009 10:28 pm  

Relax chew for christ's...
Relax chew for christ's sake. Lets keep it lighthearted the way it was intended.

chewbacca rug (USA)
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30/04/2009 10:36 pm  

i am relaxed.....
would just prefer to know what the subject is, it is not clear.
i'm sorry but i'm not "down" with the degradation of the ability to communicate in the english language that seems to be so pervasive in the U.S. , just having returned from a trip abroad, i was stunned to discover that the dutch actually speak a more proper english than we do and thus are better communicators.
sloppy, slang ridden and lazy use of the english language only serves to perpetuate the stereo type that americans are unsophisticated and not too bright.

Estimable Member
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30/04/2009 10:52 pm  

How about you and I go halves on this spliff I've just rolled? I think you'd benefit immensely from it. ;op

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2009 11:13 pm  

Let's go...
Half on a baby.

chewbacca rug (USA)
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01/05/2009 12:39 am  

lets watch this instead.......
ow my balls !

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01/05/2009 11:33 am  

and this is why I stopped contributing to design addict...
Yes Chewbacca, I actually meant I am writing a feature story about movies which have served as an inspiration for interior design. Examples would include Something's Gotta Give (suddenly everybody wanted a big white kitchen and a Hampton's style house).
As an Australian with a Masters Degree in English,and three books under my belt, I actually object to being told by an American that I can't write.
Check out my webpage at:

chewbacca rug (USA)
Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 230
01/05/2009 9:48 pm  

was un-clear.....
sorry, your original post did not make your task very clear.


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