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Ron Sim
Eminent Member
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Posts: 23
21/11/2009 8:04 pm  

Oooh, you meant the central heating!
The vertical thing is one of three central heaters in the living room/annex. So it cannot be moved. I'm at a birthdayparty now, so I can't change things now. We did already line up the dining table to the window, but my wife didn't like it.
What you saw as a barstool is in fact our kids' chair.. 🙂 It's a bloom loft extra high...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 627
21/11/2009 8:09 pm  

How about this stuff
from The Rubber Floor Store, as a dining-area rug?
(Frankly, I'm not sure if they can make a finished 'area rug' out of this stuff, but it's worth a shot-)

Ron Sim
Eminent Member
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Posts: 23
21/11/2009 9:09 pm  

Wife doesn't like rubber mat...
I like the rubber mat, but my wife didn't.... 🙁

Ron Sim
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Posts: 23
21/11/2009 10:14 pm  

we are thinking about selling our sideboard (the one in the annex). We will be looking for some new pieces of furniture.
We are thinking about filling up the space of the dining room table with a nice bookcase. We both agree that we will make the playpen in the annex. I think it will be nice to indeed place one of the eames loungers there. I don't think we would like a desk there, unles maybe someone has a very nice looking suggestion of course... 😉 And then I would finally have a nicer place to put my mac... 😉 We have been looking for a nice (affordable) shelving system or bookcase for the annex, but haven's found something yet. We would like some modern design.
Maybe we will also put a eames rocker in the annex, now we have the rocker in our bedroom.
We will tomorrow continue with changing furniture, I will post pictures of course.
Thanx for all you help. It is indeed the power of the internet, like some companies are saying, it's connecting people!

Ron Sim
Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 23
22/11/2009 1:02 pm  

we left it as it is..
We decided to leave things as they are now, at least for this moment. We think the best would to find some sort of bookcase or sideboard to fill up the space where the dining room table first was.
As for the annex; we were thinking about placeing a small desk, a bookcase or shelving and the playpen. Maybe a eames lounge could than be placed there for reading. We would then place the desk the opposite of the window. The bookcase or shelving at the lang wall and the playpen at the windowside. This would leave room for a eames lounger or rocker in front of the bookcase or shelves.
What are your thoughts?
ps: I also added two pictures of the area where the dining room table first was.

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