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identification of f...

identification of floor lamp... please.  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
09/08/2018 5:11 am  

I recently acquired this floor lamp, and I'm hoping someone can help me identify it. I have tried, but have only come across a couple matching images all from the same source. That source referenced Joe Columbo, and while I see some similarities, I just don't think that is who designed this lamp. There are no marks, The socket and switch appear to be made in the USA and I am located in the Midwest. One thing to note is that my lamp, and the one in the picture, are identical, and it appears both had the plugs changed for a rather industrial looking plug. The plug certainly appears to have been added later. My thought is both lamps had a euro plug, and someone in the states modified them. The cord is rather large in diameter accommodating that style of plug. Any help you can provide is appreciated, Thank you.
lamp1.jpglamp2.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Noble Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 234
09/08/2018 6:22 am  

Maybe something in the style of Joe Colombo? No idea really just reminds me of his stuff.


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