I recently acquired this floor lamp, and I'm hoping someone can help me identify it. I have tried, but have only come across a couple matching images all from the same source. That source referenced Joe Columbo, and while I see some similarities, I just don't think that is who designed this lamp. There are no marks, The socket and switch appear to be made in the USA and I am located in the Midwest. One thing to note is that my lamp, and the one in the picture, are identical, and it appears both had the plugs changed for a rather industrial looking plug. The plug certainly appears to have been added later. My thought is both lamps had a euro plug, and someone in the states modified them. The cord is rather large in diameter accommodating that style of plug. Any help you can provide is appreciated, Thank you.<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/uNYKr6InUuKCgboi7GeVGAXS
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