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hyperbolic crochet ...

hyperbolic crochet - a coral reef  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
24/09/2009 3:51 pm  

The lace entry on the blog reminded me of this project

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 659
24/09/2009 9:34 pm  

"Crochet" trend.
It seems a big trend in "crochet" working...
(here at least)(perhaps is other word better than "crochet")
Coincidetly I wanted to ask if others saw similars.
Goes in line with hand-craft-work trend...
In the begining I was suspitious.
I saw everything.
Some things interesting, others not so much.
Some as cactus with a pot (no need to put water to be allways green 😉 )
Some lamps you put it as a pullover you can change (?winter/summer(?))
On the you Heath posted, I don't know... intesting...but don't undestand it completly. Would be:
As I can't have coral at home I have it this cool one in the living-room?....For people that find it extremly cool, would be great... I think.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 659
24/09/2009 9:59 pm  

Any laidies?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
25/09/2009 1:44 am  

It is not a product for sale,...
It is not a product for sale, its a collaborative project established to raise awarness of the damage being caused to Australias Great Barrier Reef.
There are elements of mathematics, collaborative working methods and craftwork behind it.
Something about it reminds me of the Bayeaux tapestry.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 659
25/09/2009 2:04 am  

ok ok
ok ok,
not for sale, and very interesting project too.
But it also support what I'm saying abuot that trend. TOO!
They could use other material/technique.
Why just wool/chochet?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
25/09/2009 2:20 am  

Apparantly its the simplest and fastest way of producing the geometry.
Even kids can wield a crochet hook and people are encouraged to use any yarns they want and to experiemnt.
You're right there is a little boom in handcraft going on, somtimes the results are good, smetimes bad (amateur woodturning, yikes!) but they still give people a sense of achievement and of having made something for themselves, not a bad thing.


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